(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.
Filed by the Registrant
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary
Proxy Statement
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
x Definitive
Proxy Statement
o Definitive
Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material under Rule 14a-12
CSX Corporation
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if
other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
x |
No fee required.
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act
Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which
transaction applies:
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which
transaction applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of
transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
(set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as
provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the
filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.
Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
March 30, 2007
Dear Shareholder:
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the management of CSX Corporation, I invite you to
attend the 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the Meeting). The Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, May 2, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. (EDT), at The Westin Indianapolis, 50 S. Capitol Ave.,
Indianapolis, IN 46204.
We want all shareholders to be represented at the Meeting. If you vote your shares by proxy,
please indicate whether you plan to attend the Meeting. Regardless of whether you plan to attend,
it is important that your shares be represented, no matter how many shares you own. We encourage
you to vote promptly, following the instructions on your Proxy Card.
We look forward to seeing you at the Meeting.
Michael Ward
Michael Ward
Chairman of the Board, President
and Chief Executive Officer
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Jacksonville, Florida
March 30, 2007
To Our Shareholders:
The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CSX Corporation (the Meeting) will be held at The
Westin Indianapolis, 50 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204, on Wednesday, May 2, 2007, at
10:00 a.m. (EDT), for the purpose of considering and acting upon the following matters:
Election of twelve directors; |
Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for
2007; |
Shareholder proposal regarding executive compensation; |
Shareholder proposal regarding majority voting; |
Shareholder proposal regarding severance agreements; |
Shareholder proposal regarding special shareholder meetings; and |
Such other matters as may properly come before the Meeting. |
The above matters are described in the Proxy Statement. You are urged, after reading the
Proxy Statement, to vote your shares by proxy using one of the following methods: (a) mark, sign,
date, and return your Proxy Card by mail; or (b) vote by telephone or by the Internet using the
instructions on your Proxy Card.
Only shareholders of record at the close of business on March 14, 2007 will be entitled
to vote at the Meeting, either in person or by proxy. This Proxy Statement is being mailed to those
shareholders on or about March 30, 2007.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons
Senior Vice President-Law and Public Affairs
and Corporate Secretary
Table of Contents
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Proxy Statement for 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
About the Annual Meeting
What is the purpose of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders?
At our 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the Meeting), shareholders will act upon the
matters outlined in the Notice of Meeting on the first page of this Proxy Statement,
including the election of directors, ratification of the Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm (the Independent Auditors) of CSX Corporation (the Company or CSX),
and consideration of four shareholder proposals. In addition, management will report on the
performance of the Company and respond to questions from shareholders.
Where will the Meeting be held?
The Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. (EDT), at The Westin
Indianapolis, 50 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204. The Westin Indianapolis is
accessible to persons with disabilities. If you have a disability, we can provide
reasonable assistance to help you participate in the meeting upon request.
Who is soliciting my vote?
The Board of Directors of CSX (the Board) is soliciting your vote for the Meeting.
What will I be voting on?
At the Meeting, shareholders will vote on:
Election of Directors; |
Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as CSXs Independent Auditors for 2007; |
A shareholder proposal regarding executive compensation; |
A shareholder proposal regarding majority voting; |
A shareholder proposal regarding severance agreements; |
A shareholder regarding special shareholder meetings; and |
Such other matters as may properly come before the meeting. |
How many votes do I have?
You will have one vote for every share of CSX stock you owned at the close of business on
March 14, 2007 (the Record Date).
How many votes can be cast by all shareholders?
As of the Record Date, CSX had outstanding 438,072,572 shares of stock entitled to
vote. Only shareholders of record at the close of business on March 14, 2007 will be
entitled to vote. Each share is entitled to one vote on each matter to be presented at the
How many shares must be present to hold the Meeting?
The Companys bylaws provide that a majority of the outstanding shares of stock entitled to
vote constitutes a quorum at any meeting of shareholders. If a share is represented for any
purpose at the
Meeting, it is deemed to be present for the transaction of all business.
Abstentions, withheld votes and shares held of record by a broker or its nominee that are
voted on any matter are included in determining the number of votes present. Broker shares
that are not voted on any matter at the Meeting will not be included in determining whether
a quorum is present. As of the Record Date, 219,036,287 shares constitute a majority of
the outstanding shares.
We urge you to vote by proxy even if you plan to attend the Meeting so that we will know as
soon as possible that enough shares will be present for us to hold the Meeting.
What are the voting procedures?
Election of Directors. The Companys state of incorporation is Virginia. Under
Virginia law and the Companys bylaws, directors are elected by a plurality of votes cast
by the shares entitled to vote at a meeting at which a quorum is present. This means that
the twelve nominees for election as directors who receive the greatest number of votes cast
at the Meeting will be elected. In accordance with the Companys amended Corporate
Governance Guidelines, in an uncontested election, any nominee for director who receives a
greater number of votes withheld from his or her election than votes for such election
shall promptly tender his or her resignation following certification of the shareholder
vote. For more information on the procedures in these circumstances, see Principles of
Corporate Governance below.
Other Proposals. For all other proposals, the proposal will pass if the votes cast
in favor of the proposal exceed the votes cast against the proposal.
Abstentions and broker non-votes are not considered to be voting for or against any
proposal and will have no effect on the outcome of any proposal.
How do I vote?
You can vote either in person at the Meeting or by proxy without attending the Meeting. The
shares represented by a properly executed proxy will be voted as you direct.
To vote by proxy, you must do one of the following:
Fill out your Proxy Card, date and sign it, and return it by mail, |
Vote by telephone using the instructions on your Proxy Card, or |
Vote by Internet using the instructions on your Proxy Card. |
If you want to vote in person at the Meeting, and you hold your CSX stock in street name
(that is, through a bank or broker), you must obtain a proxy from your bank or broker and
bring that proxy to the Meeting.
Can I change my vote?
Yes. A proxy may be revoked by a shareholder any time before it is voted by written notice
delivered to the CSX Corporate Secretary, by timely receipt of a later signed proxy
(including an Internet or telephone vote), or by voting in person at the Meeting.
What if I dont vote for some of the matters listed on my Proxy Card?
If you return a signed Proxy Card without indicating your vote, your shares will be voted
for the nominees for director listed on the card, for Ernst and Young LLP as Independent
Auditors for 2007 and against the four shareholder proposals regarding: (i) executive compensation;
(ii) majority voting; (iii) severance agreements; and (iv) special shareholder meetings.
How are votes counted?
Votes are counted by inspectors of election designated by the Corporate Secretary.
Who pays for soliciting proxies?
The cost of soliciting proxies is being paid by CSX. In addition to solicitation by mail,
officers and other designated employees of CSX, for no additional compensation, may request
the return of proxies by personal conversations or by telephone or telecopy.
Could other matters be decided at the Meeting?
CSX is not aware of any matters to come before the Meeting other than those set forth in
the accompanying Notice and this Proxy Statement. If any other matters properly arise at
the Meeting, the proxies will be voted at the discretion of the proxy holders.
What is the deadline for consideration of shareholder proposals for the 2008 Annual Meeting of
A shareholder who wants to submit a proposal to be included in the Proxy Statement for the
2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders must send it to CSX Corporation, Office of the
Corporate Secretary, 500 Water Street, C160, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202, so that it is
received on or before December 1, 2007.
A shareholder who wants to submit a proposal that will not be in the proxy statement but
will be considered at the 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, pursuant to our bylaws, must
send it to the principal executive offices of CSX so that it is received not earlier than
the close of business on January 3, 2008 nor later than the close of business on February
2, 2008. The proxies named by the Board with respect to the 2008 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders shall have discretionary voting authority with respect to any shareholder
proposals received after February 2, 2008.
Does the Board of Directors consider director nominees recommended by shareholders?
Yes, the Governance Committee of the Board will review recommendations as to possible
nominees received from shareholders and other qualified sources. Shareholder
recommendations should be in writing addressed to the Chair of the Governance Committee,
CSX Corporation, 500 Water Street, C160, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202, and should include a
statement about the qualifications and experience of the proposed nominee, as discussed
further below in Item 1: Election of Directors, Committees of the Board, Governance
What happens if the Meeting is postponed or adjourned?
Your proxy will still be in effect and may be voted at the reconvened meeting. You will
still be able to change or revoke your proxy until it is voted.
Do I need a ticket to attend the Meeting?
Yes, you will be issued an admission ticket at the Shareholder Registration Desk at the
Meeting. If you hold shares in your name, please be prepared to provide proper
identification, such as a drivers license. If you hold your shares through a bank or
broker, you will need proof of ownership, such as a recent account statement or letter from your bank or broker, along
with proper identification.
How can I find CSXs proxy materials and annual report on the Internet?
This Proxy Statement and the 2006 Annual Report are available on the Companys Internet
website (www.csx.com).
Item 1: Election of Directors
Twelve directors are to be elected to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of
Shareholders is held and their successors are elected. Votes will be cast, unless otherwise
specified, for the election of the nominees named below. If, at the time of the Meeting, any
nominee should be unable to serve as a director, such votes will be cast for such substitute
nominee as may be nominated by the Board. All of the nominees are current directors standing for
re-election and all but two of the nominees (Ms. Alvarado and Mr. Halverson) were previously
elected by the shareholders.
As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board has no reason to believe that any of the
nominees named will be unable or unwilling to serve. There are no family relationships among any of
these nominees or among any of these nominees and any executive officer, nor is there any
arrangement or understanding between any nominee and any other person pursuant to which the nominee
was selected.
In the election of directors, the nominees receiving the greatest number of votes shall be
elected, even if such votes do not constitute a majority. However, the Company has voluntarily
adopted a policy that provides that any nominee for director who receives a greater number of votes
withheld from his or her election than votes for such election shall promptly tender his or her
resignation following certification of the shareholder vote. Certain information regarding each
nominee follows. Each nominee has consented to being named in the Proxy Statement and to serve if
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the following nominees.
Donna M. Alvarado, 58, is the founder and current President of Aguila
International, a business-consulting firm. Ms. Alvarado has held senior
management positions in government, including Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Defense with the U.S. Department of Defense, Counsel for the U.S. Senate
Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy and
Staff Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Narcotics
Abuse and Control. Ms. Alvarado currently serves on the board of directors of
Corrections Corporation of America and as a Chair of the Ohio Board of Regents.
Ms. Alvarado has served as a director of CSX since September 2006. |
Elizabeth E. Bailey, 68, is the John C. Hower Professor of Business and Public
Policy at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She is also a
director of Altria Group, Inc. and the Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association. Dr. Bailey has been a director of CSX since November 1989. |
Senator John B. Breaux, 63, is Senior Counsel with the law firm of Patton Boggs
LLP. Senator Breaux joined Patton Boggs LLP upon his retirement from the United
States Senate in 2005, having served since 1986. Prior to that, he spent
fourteen years in the United States House of Representatives serving on the
Public Works and Transportation Committee. In the Senate, he served on the
Finance Committee and the Commerce Committee, where he was chair of the
subcommittee on Surface Transportation. He also serves as a director of LHC
Group, Inc., Senior Managing Director of the Clinton Group and Managing
Director of Riverstone Holdings. Senator Breaux has been a director of CSX
since May 2005. |
Edward J. Kelly, III, 53, is a Vice Chairman of The PNC Financial Services
Group, a bank holding company. Until March 2, 2007, he was the Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer of Mercantile Bankshares Corporation, a
bank holding company, having been elected as Chairman in March 2003 and as
President and Chief Executive Officer in March 2001. Mr. Kelly has been a
director of CSX since July 2002. |
Steven T. Halverson, 53, has served as the Chief Executive Officer of The
Haskell Company, a design-build organization, since 1999. From 1984 until
1999, Mr. Halverson served as a Senior Vice President of M.A. Mortenson Co. In
addition to his service as an executive in the architecture, engineering, and
construction industries, Mr. Halverson also serves as a director for ACIG
Insurance Co., the Florida Council of 100, the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra,
the Construction Industry Round Table, and the National Center for Construction
Education and Research. Mr. Halverson also serves as a Trustee for the
University of North Florida and as a Regent for St. Johns University. Mr.
Halverson has served as a director of CSX since September 2006. |
Robert D. Kunisch, 65, has been Special Partner in ABS Capital Partners, Inc.,
a private equity investment firm, since January 2001, and Consultant to the
senior management of Cendant Corporation, a global provider of consumer and
business services, since January 2001. Mr. Kunisch has been a director of CSX
since October 1990. |
Southwood J. Morcott, 68, was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dana
Corporation, a manufacturer of automotive and truck parts and provider of
commercial credit, until his retirement as CEO in April 1999, and as Chairman
in April 2000. He is also a director of Johnson Controls, Inc. and Navistar
International Corporation. Mr. Morcott has been a director of CSX since July
1990. |
David M. Ratcliffe, 58, is the Chairman of the Board, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Southern Company, a producer and provider of electric
power, having been elected as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in July
2004, and as President in April 2004. Prior to that, he was President and
Chief Executive Officer of Georgia Power Company and Executive Vice President
of Southern Company, having served as President of Georgia Power from May 1999
until January 2004. Mr. Ratcliffe also served as Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta Board of Directors for 2005-2006. Mr. Ratcliffe has
been a director of CSX since January 2003. |
William C. Richardson, 66, is Immediate Past President and Chief Executive
Officer of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, a major philanthropic institution. Dr.
Richardson also has served as Co-Trustee of the W.K. Kellogg Trust. He is a
director of The Bank of New York Company, Inc. and Exelon Corporation. Dr.
Richardson has been a director of CSX since December 1992. |
Frank S. Royal, M.D., 67, is a physician in private practice in Richmond,
Virginia and a health-care expert. He is also a director of Chesapeake
Corporation, Dominion Resources, Inc., Smithfield Foods, Inc., and SunTrust
Banks, Inc. Dr. Royal has been a director of CSX since January 1994. |
Donald J. Shepard, 60, has been Chairman of the Executive Board and Chief
Executive Officer of AEGON N.V., a holding company of insurance and
insurance-related companies, since April 2002. From 1989 until April 2002, Mr.
Shepard served as President and Chief Executive Officer of AEGON USA, Inc., a
subsidiary of AEGON N.V. Mr. Shepard serves as a Director (since December
2001) and as Chairman of the Board (since June 2005) of AEGON U.S. Corporation.
In addition, since February 1989, Mr. Shepard has served on the Board of
Directors of AEGON USA, Inc. and as Chairman of that Board from 1992 to July
1999 and from May 2000 to April 2002. He has been a member of the Executive
Board of AEGON N.V. since 1992. He is also a director of Mercantile Bankshares
Corporation and Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Company. Mr. Shepard has been
a director of CSX since January 2003. |
Michael J. Ward, 56, was elected as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief
Executive Officer of CSX in January 2003, and as President in July 2002. His
career with a CSX predecessor railroad began in 1977. He has served CSX
Transportation, Inc., the Companys rail subsidiary, as President since
November 2000 and as President and Chief Executive Officer of CSX since October
2002. He is also a director of Ashland, Inc. Mr. Ward has been a director of
CSX since April 2002. |
Director Independence
The Board annually evaluates the independence of each of its directors and, acting through its
Governance Committee, the performance of each of its directors. The Board has determined that
eleven of the twelve nominees for election as directors are independent under the listing standards
of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In making this determination, the Board considered
transactions or relationships, if any, between each director or his or her immediate family and the
Company or its subsidiaries, as well as the listing standards. The purpose of this review was to
determine whether any such relationships or transactions were material and thus inconsistent with a
determination that the director is independent.
During its deliberations, the Board specifically considered the Companys relationship with
the Southern Company, a producer and provider of electric power. Mr. Ratcliffe, a director and a
nominee, currently is the Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Southern Company. CSX Transportation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CSX, delivers coal to
generating plants operated by subsidiaries of the Southern Company. Revenue received from the
Southern Company does not constitute a material part of the Companys or Southern Companys gross
As a result of its review, the Board affirmatively determined, based on its understanding of
any relationships or transactions, that each of the director nominees is independent, other than
Mr. Ward, who is President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CSX.
Principles of Corporate Governance
The Board is committed to governance principles and practices that facilitate fulfilling its
fiduciary duties to shareholders and to the Company. The Board has adopted Corporate Governance
Guidelines that reflect the high standards that those who deal with the Company as employees,
investors, clients, customers, vendors or
in other capacities can and should expect. Key corporate
governance principles observed by the Board and the Company include:
Nomination of a slate of directors for election to the Companys Board that is
substantially independent, as that term is defined in applicable laws and stock
exchange listing standards. |
Establishment of qualification guidelines for candidates for director and review of
each directors performance and continuing qualification for Board membership. |
Membership of the Governance, Compensation and Audit Committees comprised solely of
independent directors. |
Authority for each Board committee to retain outside, independent advisors and
consultants when appropriate. |
Adoption of a Code of Ethics, which meets applicable rules and regulations, that
covers all directors, officers and employees of CSX, including the Companys CEO,
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Controller. |
Adoption of a Policy Regarding Shareholder Rights Plans, establishing parameters
around the adoption of any future shareholder rights plan, including the expiration of
any such plan within one year of adoption if the plan does not receive shareholder
approval or ratification. |
Adoption of a Policy Regarding Shareholder Approval of Severance Agreements,
requiring shareholder approval of certain future severance agreements with senior
executives that provide for benefits in an amount exceeding a threshold set forth in
the Policy. |
The Company amended the Corporate Governance Guidelines on February 8, 2006, incorporating a
policy regarding director elections. Under the amended Corporate Governance Guidelines, in an
uncontested election, any nominee for director who receives a greater number of votes withheld
from his or her election than votes for such election shall promptly tender his or her
resignation following certification of the shareholder vote. The Governance Committee will evaluate
the tender of the resignation, taking the best interests of CSX and its shareholders into account,
and will make a recommendation to the Board. The Board will then decide whether to accept the
resignation within 90 days of the certification of election.
CSXs Corporate Governance Guidelines, Code of Ethics, the charters of each standing
committee, and policies adopted by the Board are available on the Companys Internet website
(www.csx.com). Shareholders may also request a free copy of any of these documents by writing to
CSX Corporation, Office of the Corporate Secretary, 500 Water Street, C160, Jacksonville, Florida
Any waivers of or changes to the Code of Ethics that apply to our directors or executive
officers will be disclosed on CSXs Internet website (www.csx.com). There were no such waivers or
changes in 2006.
Shareholders who wish to communicate with the Board generally, or with a particular director,
may forward correspondence to CSX Corporation, Office of the Corporate Secretary, 500 Water Street,
C160, Jacksonville, Florida 32202.
Pursuant to procedures established by the non-management directors of the Board, the Office of
the Corporate Secretary will forward appropriate correspondence to the Board or a particular
director. Appropriate correspondence generally includes any legitimate, non-harassing inquiries or
statements. Interested parties who wish to communicate directly with non-management directors may forward
correspondence to Presiding Director, CSX Board of Directors, CSX Corporation, 500 Water Street,
C160, Jacksonville, Florida 32202.
Transactions with Related Persons
CSX operates under a Code of Ethics that requires all employees, officers, and directors,
without exception, to avoid engagement in activities or relationships that conflict, or would be
perceived to conflict, with
the Companys interests or adversely affect its reputation. It is
understood, however, that certain relationships or transactions may arise that would be deemed
acceptable and appropriate upon full disclosure of the transaction, following review and approval
to ensure there is a legitimate business reason for the transaction and that the terms of the
transaction are no less favorable to CSX than could be obtained from an unrelated person.
The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving, as appropriate, all
transactions with related persons. CSX has not adopted written procedures for reviewing related
person transactions, but generally follows the procedures described below.
CSX considers a Related Person to be: (i) any person who is, or at any time since the
beginning of the last fiscal year was, a director or executive officer or a nominee to become a
director; (ii) any person who is known to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of any class of
CSXs voting securities; (iii) any immediate family member of any of the foregoing persons, which
means any child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, spouse, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law of the director, executive officer,
nominee or more than 5% beneficial owner, and any person (other than a tenant or employee) sharing
the household of such director, executive officer, nominee or more than 5% beneficial owner; and
(iv) any firm, corporation or other entity in which any of the foregoing persons is employed or is
a partner or principal or in a similar position or in which such person has a 5% or greater
beneficial ownership interest.
A Related Person Transaction is a transaction, arrangement or relationship (or any series of
similar transactions, arrangements or relationships) in which CSX (including any of its
subsidiaries) was, is or will be a participant, the amount involved exceeds $120,000, and in which
any Related Person had, has, or will have a direct or indirect material interest (other than solely
as a result of being a director or a less than 10 percent beneficial owner of another entity).
On an annual basis in response to the annual Directors and Officers Questionnaire, each
director and executive officer shall submit to the Corporate Secretary a description of any current
or proposed Related Person Transactions. Any person nominated to stand for election as a director
or appointed as a director or an executive officer shall submit the information described above in
response to a Questionnaire prepared by the Corporate Secretary. Directors and executive officers
are expected to notify the Corporate Secretary of any updates to the list of Related Person
Transactions during the year. If Related Person Transactions are identified, those transactions
are reviewed by the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee will evaluate Related Person Transactions based on:
information provided by the Board during the required annual affirmation of
independence; |
applicable responses to the Directors and Officers Questionnaires submitted by the
Companys officers and directors and provided to the Audit Committee; and |
any other applicable information provided by any director or officer of the Company. |
In connection with the review and approval or ratification, if appropriate, of any Related
Person Transaction, the Audit Committee should consider whether the transaction will be a conflict
of interest or give the appearance of a conflict of interest. In the case of any Related Person
Transaction involving an outside director or nominee for director, the Audit Committee should also consider whether the
transaction will compromise the directors status as an independent director as prescribed in the
NYSE listing standards.
Meetings of the Board and Executive Sessions
During 2006, there were five meetings of the Board. Each director attended 75 percent or more
of the meetings of the Board and the meetings of the committees on which he or she served.
The non-management directors meet alone in executive session at each Board meeting.
Non-management directors are all those who are not Company officers. These executive sessions are
chaired by a Presiding Director who is an independent director selected annually by the Governance
Committee. Mr. Morcott
currently serves as the Presiding Director. In addition, the independent
directors have periodic special meetings without management in connection with regularly scheduled
Board meetings.
While the Company does not have a formal policy regarding director attendance at Annual
Meetings of Shareholders, the Company encourages directors to attend. Every director attended the
2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Committees of the Board
CSX has five standing committees: the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee, the Finance
Committee, the Governance Committee, and the Public Affairs Committee. Each of these committees
has a written charter approved by the Board, a copy of which can be found on the Companys Internet
website (www.csx.com). In addition, the Board has an Executive Committee, which is discussed below.
The members of the committees are identified in the following table.
Director |
Audit |
Compensation |
Executive |
Finance |
Governance |
Public Affairs |
Donna M. Alvarado |
X |
X |
Elizabeth E. Bailey |
X |
X |
Chair |
John B. Breaux |
X |
X |
Steven T. Halverson |
X |
X |
Edward J. Kelly, III |
Chair |
X |
X |
Robert D. Kunisch |
X |
X |
Southwood J. Morcott |
X |
X |
X |
David M. Ratcliffe |
X |
Chair |
X |
William C.
Richardson |
X |
Chair |
X |
Frank S. Royal |
X |
X |
Donald J. Shepard |
X |
X |
Chair |
Michael J. Ward |
Chair |
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee meets only as needed and has authority to act for the Board on most
matters during the intervals between Board meetings. The Executive Committee has seven members,
consisting of the Chairman of the Board, the chairs of each of the five substantive committees, and
Mr. Morcott, the Presiding Director. The Committee did not meet in 2006.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee selects Independent Auditors and submits its choice to the shareholders
for ratification. Its primary functions include oversight of the integrity of the Companys
financial statements, the Companys compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the
Independent Auditors qualifications and independence, and the performance of the Independent
Auditors and the Companys internal audit function.
Specifically, the Committee retains, appoints, oversees and approves compensation of the
Companys Independent Auditors, reviews the scope and methodology of the Independent Auditors
proposed audits, reviews the Companys financial statements, and monitors the Companys internal
control over financial reporting by, among other things, discussing certain aspects thereof with
the Independent Auditors and management. The Audit Committee is responsible for the approval of all
services performed by Ernst & Young LLP. The Chairman of the Audit Committee has the authority to
approve all engagements that will cost less than $250,000 and, in such cases, will report any
approvals to the full committee at the next scheduled meeting. All engagements expected to cost
$250,000 or more require pre-approval of the full committee. In addition, it is Company policy
that tax and other non-audit services should not equal or exceed base audit fees plus fees for
audit-related services. Finally, the Committee maintains procedures for the receipt and treatment
of complaints regarding the Companys accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters.
The Audit Committee has five members, each of whom the Board has determined to be independent
pursuant to the independence standards promulgated by the NYSE and the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). The Committee held eight meetings in 2006.
The Board has determined that the Company has at least one audit committee financial expert,
as that term is defined by SEC rules and regulations, serving on the Audit Committee. Mr. Kelly is
the Committees financial expert and is independent pursuant to the standards promulgated by the
NYSE and the SEC. Please refer to the Report of the Audit Committee below for additional
information regarding the Audit Committee.
Compensation Committee
The primary functions of the Compensation Committee are to: (i) establish the Companys
philosophy with respect to executive compensation and benefits; (ii) periodically review the
Companys compensation practices and policies, benefit plans, and perquisites applicable to all
employees and executives to ensure consistency with the Companys compensation philosophy; (iii)
assure that the Companys benefit plans, practices, programs and policies maintained for employees
and directors comply with all applicable laws; (iv) in consultation with the Board, review and
approve corporate goals and objectives relevant to compensation and benefits for the CEO, and
evaluate the CEOs performance in light of those goals and objectives, and, either as a committee
or together with the other independent directors, as directed by the Board, set the level of
compensation of the CEO based on such evaluation; (v) review and recommend approval of management
compensation and Company compensation plans, including benefits for key employees as determined by
this Committee from time to time; (vi) establish performance objectives for certain executives, and
certify the attainment of those objectives in connection with the payment of performance-based
compensation within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (Section 162(m));
and (vii) review the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of the Proxy Statement and, as
appropriate, recommend to the Board for approval the inclusion of the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis section in the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K and Proxy Statement. In addition, the
Committee monitors the administration of certain executive and management compensation and benefit
The Compensation Committee has four members, all of whom are outside directors within the
meaning of regulations promulgated pursuant to Section 162(m) and are independent pursuant to the
independence standards promulgated by the NYSE. The Committee held seven meetings in 2006. Please
refer to the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of the Proxy Statement for additional
information regarding the functions and operations of the Compensation Committee.
For additional information regarding the functions of the Compensation Committee, please see
Role of the Compensation Committee on page 19.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee provides general oversight and review of financial matters affecting the
Company, including the monitoring of corporate debt, cash flow, and the assets and liabilities
maintained by the Company and its affiliates in conjunction with employee benefit plans, including
monitoring the funding and investment policies and performances of the assets. This four-member
Committee held five meetings in 2006.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee of the Board identifies individuals qualified to become board members
and recommends candidates for election to the Board. In addition, the Committee develops criteria
regarding director qualification and reviews and recommends changes in Board composition, committee
structure, and director compensation. The Committee develops, recommends and monitors corporate
governance principles and conducts regular evaluations of director performance and of the
effectiveness of the Board as a working group. The Governance Committee also reviews significant
changes in corporate structure, succession in senior management, and other internal matters of
broad corporate importance.
The Committee has five members and is composed solely of independent directors pursuant to the
independence standards promulgated by the NYSE. The Committee held six meetings in 2006.
The Governance Committee generally identifies nominees for directors based upon outside
research and suggestions from directors and officers of the Company. The Committee will also
consider persons recommended by shareholders of the Company in selecting director nominees.
Potential nominees suggested by
shareholders will be evaluated by the Committee on the same basis
as individuals identified directly by the Committee or from other sources. As a group, the Board is
expected to represent a broad diversity of experience in business matters and to be able to assess
and evaluate the role and policies of the Company in the face of changing conditions in the
economy, regulatory environment and customer expectations. While there is not a formal list of
qualifications, nominees for Board membership are expected to be prominent individuals with
demonstrated leadership ability and to possess outstanding integrity, values and judgment. Nominees
must be willing to devote the substantial time required to carry out the duties and
responsibilities of directors. In addition, each Board member is expected to represent the broad
interests of the Company and its shareholders as a group, and not any particular constituency. The
Committee uses these and other relevant criteria to evaluate potential nominees.
Shareholders who wish to recommend a director nominee must do so in accordance with the
Companys bylaws. In general, written notice of a proposed shareholder nomination must be delivered
to the Company at least 90 days but no more than 120 days prior to the first anniversary of this
years Annual Meeting date. Nominations must be accompanied by a description of the proposed
nominees qualifications and experience and his or her consent to serve if elected. Such
recommendations must also indicate the nominating shareholders name and address and the class and
number of shares that he or she owns.
Public Affairs Committee
The Public Affairs Committee reviews and makes recommendations concerning the Companys
practices and programs designed to address important public policy issues that may impact the
Company, its shareholders, and the general public. This four-member Committee held four meetings
during 2006.
Director Compensation
The Board periodically, but at least once every three years, reviews and sets the compensation
for non-management directors based on the recommendation of the Governance Committee. Director
compensation includes both cash and stock-based components. In recommending the amount and form of
director compensation, the Committee considers, among other factors, the level of compensation
necessary to attract and retain qualified, independent directors. The most recent review of the
compensation for non-management directors occurred in 2005 and resulted in no changes in the
overall compensation structure. It is anticipated that the Governance Committee will review the
compensation structure for non-management directors in 2007.
During 2006, each non-employee director received an annual retainer of $75,000, at least 50%
of which was payable in CSX stock pursuant to the CSX Corporation Stock Plan for Directors (the
Stock Plan). The Chair of each Board committee other than the Audit Committee received an
additional $10,000. The Chair of the Audit Committee received an additional $15,000, and each
member of the Audit Committee also received an additional $5,000. On December 15, 2006, each
non-employee director also received a grant of 5,000 shares of CSX stock, which had a market value
of $180,050 (based on an average of the high and low price per share on the date of grant of
$36.01) and was required to be deferred. Directors also are eligible to receive other compensation
and benefits as discussed below. With the exception of participation in the CSX Directors
Matching Gift Program (Matching Gift Program), Mr. Ward does not receive compensation for his
services as a director.
During 2006, each director was eligible to defer all or a portion of his or her directors
fees, including cash compensation and stock, under the CSX Directors Deferred Compensation Plan
(the Directors Plan). Deferrals are subject to Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code
(Section 409A). Deferrals of director fees and other awards earned prior to 2005 are not subject
to Section 409A. Those deferrals will continue to be administered in accordance with the terms of
the directors plan in effect as of December 31, 2004.
deferrals may be credited to an unfunded account and invested in various investment
choices or deferred as shares of CSX stock. The investment choices parallel the investment options
offered to employees under CSXs 401(k) plan. Stock deferrals are automatically held as
outstanding shares in a rabbi trust, with dividend equivalents credited in the form of shares.
The following table summarizes the compensation earned by each of the non-employee directors
in 2006. No stock option awards were made to the directors in 2006.
Directors Compensation Table
Change in Pension |
Fees Earned |
Value and |
or |
Non-Equity |
Nonqualified |
Paid in |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Deferred |
All Other |
Cash1 |
Stock Awards2 |
Awards |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Compensation3 |
Total |
Name |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Earnings |
($) |
($) |
Donna M. Alvarado |
$ |
14,172 |
$ |
192,545 |
$ |
206,717 |
Elizabeth E. Bailey |
$ |
52,500 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
19,530 |
$ |
289,580 |
John B. Breaux |
$ |
37,500 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
232 |
$ |
255,282 |
Steven T. Halverson |
$ |
12,500 |
$ |
192,550 |
$ |
34,000 |
$ |
239,050 |
Edward J. Kelly, III |
$ |
57,500 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
52,139 |
$ |
327,189 |
Robert D. Kunisch |
$ |
43,750 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
63,720 |
$ |
325,020 |
Southwood J. Morcott |
$ |
37,500 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
64,517 |
$ |
319,567 |
David M. Ratcliffe |
$ |
45,000 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
52,311 |
$ |
314,861 |
William C. Richardson |
$ |
50,000 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
56,044 |
$ |
323,594 |
Frank S. Royal |
$ |
40,000 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
62,109 |
$ |
319,659 |
Donald J. Shepard |
$ |
47,500 |
$ |
217,550 |
$ |
50,051 |
$ |
315,101 |
1 |
- Fees Earned or Paid in Cash Includes cash retainer ($37,500) and any Chairman or Audit Committee fees earned in 2006. Ms. Alvarado and Mr. Halverson
started on the Board in September 2006. Their retainers and any fees were one-third of annual amounts (4 of 12 months). Messrs. Breaux, Ratcliffe, and
Shepard elected to defer 100% of their cash retainers and fees in the form of stock into the Directors Plan. The number of shares deferred was 861, 1,047,
and 1,090, respectively. |
2 |
- Stock Awards Includes stock retainer ($37,500) and a December Stock Grant
of 5,000 shares at a stock price of $36.01, the average of the high and low of
CSXs stock on the grant date. Outstanding equity awards held by each director
as of December 29, 2006, are disclosed in the following table. For more
information regarding security ownership, see page 46. |
Number of Shares |
Held in the |
Equivalent Units |
Directors Stock |
Held in the CSX |
Number of |
Name |
Account |
Stock Fund * |
Stock Options |
Donna M. Alvarado |
5,000 |
Elizabeth E. Bailey |
45,590 |
20,000 |
John B. Breaux |
14,638 |
Steven T. Halverson |
5,411 |
Edward J. Kelly III |
29,913 |
Robert D. Kunisch |
71,849 |
20,000 |
Southwood J. Morcott |
60,420 |
20,000 |
David M. Ratcliffe |
28,750 |
3,143 |
William C. Richardson |
46,079 |
20,000 |
Frank S. Royal |
58,478 |
856 |
20,000 |
Donald J. Shepard |
37,228 |
729 |
* |
Equivalent shares are based on the stock price as of December 29, 2006 . |
3 |
- All Other Compensation Includes discounts at The Greenbrier, a
CSX-owned resort, excess liability insurance, as well as Company matches under
the CSX Directors Matching Gift Program in the following amounts: $10,000 for
Dr. Bailey; $34,000 for Mr. Halverson; $50,000 each for Messrs. Kelly, Kunisch,
Morcott, Ratcliffe and Dr. Royal; $44,400 for Dr. Richardson; and $45,438 for
Mr. Shepard. In addition, incremental costs associated with the administration
of the CSX Directors Charitable Gift Plan in the amount of $9,498 are included
for: Dr. Bailey, Messrs. Kunisch, Morcott, Richardson, and Dr. Royal. |
Stock Ownership Guidelines
The Board has adopted Stock Ownership Guidelines to better align the interests of non-employee
directors with the interests of shareholders. These guidelines require that all non-employee
directors own shares of CSX. Within five years of election to the Board, a non-employee director
is expected to acquire and hold an amount of CSX common stock equal in value to five times the
amount of such non-employee directors annual retainer. If the annual retainer increases, the
non-employee directors will have five years from the time of the increase to acquire any additional
shares needed to satisfy the guidelines. Further information on the Stock Ownership Guidelines is
available on CSXs website (www.csx.com).
Charitable Gift Plan
All CSX directors elected before 2004 are eligible to participate in the CSX Directors
Charitable Gift Plan (Gift Plan), which is partially funded by CSX-owned life insurance policies.
Under the Gift Plan, if a director serves for five consecutive years, CSX will make contributions
totaling $1 million on his or her behalf to charitable institutions designated by the director.
Contributions to designated charities are
made in installments, with $100,000 payable upon the directors retirement and the balance payable
in installments of $100,000 per year, starting at the time of the directors death.
Matching Gift Plan and Other Benefits
Directors also may participate in the Matching Gift Program (Matching Gift Program). CSX
will match $2 for every $1 that a director contributes to organizations that qualify for support
under guidelines established by CSX up to a maximum annual CSX contribution of $50,000 per
director. Retired directors may participate through the end of their year of retirement. During
2006, 55 charitable organizations received contributions totaling $535,838 as part of the Matching
Gift Program.
CSX makes available to directors personal excess liability insurance at no expense to the
directors. In addition, directors are entitled to certain discounts when visiting a CSX-owned
resort. During 2006, the value of the excess liability insurance and the discounts described above
varied by director but did not exceed $5,019 for any director.
Report of the Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
with management. Based on its review and on the discussion described below, the Compensation
Committee recommended to the full Board that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included
in this Proxy Statement.
Compensation Committee
William C. Richardson, Chairman
Robert D. Kunisch
Frank S. Royal, M.D.
Donald J. Shepard
The Compensation Discussion and Analysis that follows is divided into seven categories in
order to help explain CSXs compensation policies and programs and how they are administered.
These categories include:
Background and Philosophy of CSXs Executive Compensation Programs; |
Role of the Compensation Committee; |
Competitive Comparisons; |
Elements of CSXs 2006 Compensation Program; |
Other Agreements; |
Stock Ownership Guidelines; and |
Executive Compensation Actions Taken in 2007. |
Background and Philosophy of CSXs Executive Compensation Programs
CSX believes that the quality, skills and dedication of its senior executive officers are
critical factors affecting long-term shareholder value. As such, compensation programs are
designed to:
attract talented, motivated, high-performing executives; |
retain key leaders; |
reward past performance; |
incent future performance; and |
align the long-term interests of executives with those of CSXs shareholders. |
CSX uses a variety of compensation tools to achieve these goals, including base salary,
short-term and long-term incentives, employee benefits, including retirement and certain
post-employment benefits, and perquisites. Compensation decisions are made within the context of
the following guiding principles:
Performance-based compensation is a central feature of the Companys approach and,
therefore, a substantial portion of executive officers compensation opportunity is at
risk; it depends upon achievement of pre-set financial and strategic objectives. |
Total executive compensation opportunity, including benefits, generally should be
competitive with reasonable market comparisons. |
Competitive pay packages, featuring substantial performance-based compensation,
play an important role in driving shareholder value. |
CSXs commitment to disciplined pay for performance has been steadfast, and we believe that
shareholder value has been improved by it. Between 2001 and 2003, the Companys financial
performance was hindered by various factors, including its own structural and operational issues,
overall economic weakness, and the demand for U.S. rail freight services. As a result of the
Companys pay for performance philosophy, management bonuses were paid out at 60% of target in 2001
and 54% of target in 2002. No bonus was paid in 2003.
In recent years, CSX has sharpened its focus and committed to dramatic improvements in
operational performance and customer service. Operations, service, and financial performance began
to rebound in 2004, as the Company undertook a restructuring that reduced management staff by
approximately 20 percent. This restructuring also prepared the Company to meet increasing demand
for railroad and intermodal servicessometimes referred to as an emerging U.S. rail renaissance.
As a result of 2004 performance, management bonuses were paid out at 75% of target.
In 2005, the Company set financial records in its primary businesses, reduced debt, improved
operations, and made a significant commitment to capacity expansion and facility improvement in
high- growth areas. For four months of the year in which these achievements were delivered, the
Companys operations and resources were constrained by major damage to the railroads Gulf Coast
line and yards from Hurricane Katrina,
which CSX repaired in five months. As a result of 2005
performance, management bonuses were paid out at 150% of target.
CSXs marked improvement continues and is being defined by substantial growth in pricing and
continued strong demand for rail freight services. In 2006, the CSX team made improvements in
safety and customer service, bringing a key measure of operating efficiency, the operating ratio,
to below 80 percent for the first time in nearly a decade. Against this background, more than $150
million of capacity expansion and facility improvement projects were completed for high-growth
areas. In 2006, CSX delivered further shareholder value by increasing dividends by 54 percent and
by repurchasing $465 million of common stock. In addition, the Company implemented a 2-for-1 stock
split. Share price grew by 36 percent, the highest among the Class I railroads. As a result of
2006 performance, management bonuses were paid out at 160% of target.
CSXs pay for performance philosophy also underlies the long-term incentive decisions of the
Compensation Committee. Since 2004, CSX has not issued stock options and has changed its long-term
compensation approach to focus exclusively on performance-based share units designed to reward
performance over multi-year periods.
While CSXs shareholder approved plans allow for the use of a variety of long-term vehicles,
including options and restricted stock, at this point in the Companys business, the Committee
believes the exclusive use of performance share units is appropriate. They are described in more
detail on pages 23-24. In view of the Companys performance over the past two years, which
substantially exceeded pre-set goals, CSXs long-term performance share unit payout for the
2004-2005 long-term incentive plan was 172% of the target level of shares.
From the end of 2004 through the end of 2006, CSXs stock price has increased approximately
75%, net cash provided by operating activities has increased by $612 million and debt levels have
been reduced to approximately $6.0 billion. We believe these performance measurements reflect not
only strong operations, safety, and efficiency outcomes, but also the successful record of
management and its strategies.
Role of the Compensation Committee
The Committee is specifically responsible for establishing compensation and benefits programs
and plans for the Companys senior executives, the CEO and his senior team, which includes the
named executive officers in this proxy. The Committee is responsible for establishing the form,
amount and mix of compensation elements, establishing and judging performance goals and
achievements, and determining payouts.
The Committee strives to maintain an effective balance between short-term and long-term
business objectives, employing its understanding of the Company, the industry and the current and
likely future business environment. That is the reason that even though the short-term and
long-term incentive plans are both performance based, success within them depends upon attaining
different, but complimentary, strategic and financial objectives. The Committee believes that when
it achieves balanced approaches, managements efforts drive strong outcomes in both the current and
expected future environment.
In establishing individual opportunities and actual payments, the Committee is guided by
recommendations from the CEO on his subordinates, competitive practices, established plans and
internal practices, but ultimately applies its judgment about individual executives actual
performance and does not rely solely on guidelines or formulas, or short-term changes in business
performance. Key factors affecting these determinations include:
performance compared to the specific or pre-established goals and objectives
established for CSX and for the individual executive at the beginning of the year; |
the nature, scope, and level of the executives responsibilities; |
contribution to CSXs performance in the area of safety; |
contribution to CSXs financial results; |
effectiveness in leading CSXs initiatives to increase customer service,
productivity, people development, cash flow, and profitability; |
contribution to CSXs commitment to corporate responsibility, including the
executives success in creating a culture of unyielding integrity and compliance with
applicable law and CSXs ethics policies; and |
commitment to corporate citizenship. |
The Compensation Committees Charter reflects these responsibilities, and the Committee and
the Board periodically review and revise the Charter. The full text of the Compensation Committee
Charter is available on CSXs website at www.csx.com. The members of the Compensation Committee
are recommended by the Governance Committee and elected by the Board annually and are all
independent directors. To assist it in discharging its responsibilities, the Committee employs a
variety of internal and external professional resources such as CSX human resources (Human
Resources), legal, finance, tax, and accounting professionals. The Committees principal
independent resource is its independent compensation consultant, which is described below.
Consulting Assistance
The Compensation Committee retains an independent compensation consultant to provide the
Committee with independent, objective analysis and professional opinions on executive compensation
matters. This consultant, Semler Brossy Consulting Group, LLC (the Consultant), reports directly
to the Chair of the Compensation Committee and performs no other work for the Company. The
Consultant generally attends all meetings of the Compensation Committee where evaluations of the
effectiveness of overall executive compensation programs are conducted or where compensation for
executive officers is analyzed or approved. The Consultants duties include the following:
reviewing alternative compensation tools and explaining their accounting, cash
flow, tax, equity, dilution, pay for performance, and other consequences including the
total cost of different combinations of compensation and benefit programs, their
prevalence, and application; |
performing due diligence to assist in the development of a comparison of peer group
companies; |
analyzing financial, stock price, and other performance data as critical inputs to
recommended compensation level changes, always factoring in the business needs of CSX
and the benefits to shareholders; and |
providing the Committee with detailed analyses of the pay competitiveness relative
to the peer group and the cost to CSX of any change in its compensation programs. |
Competitive Comparisons
To assist the Compensation Committee with decisions in 2006, Human Resources contracted with
Towers Perrin and Mercer Human Resources Consulting to assist in gathering and analyzing market
data for compensation paid for similar positions by other large companies and railroad plans.
In making its decisions on executive compensation, the Committee reviews competitive pay and
performance data on specific peer groups of U.S. railroads and competitive pay data from broad
surveys of general U.S. industry. The peer group for pay and performance focuses on the other
major U.S. railroads (Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Norfolk Southern, and Union Pacific). In some
cases, performance data may include the Canadian railroads or broader railroad survey data. The
peer group analysis always includes a view of the relative size and performance of each railroad.
The general industry comparisons are to service companies of similar size and market
capitalization to CSX. The Consultant prepares or reviews in detail all competitive data for the
Elements of CSXs 2006 Compensation Program
The Compensation Committee made its decisions concerning the specific compensation elements
and total compensation paid or awarded to CSXs named executive officers within the framework
discussed below and after consultation with the Consultant.
The total compensation plan for the named executive officers during 2006 consisted of the
following key elements:
base salary; |
annual incentives; |
long-term incentives; |
perquisites; |
retirement/post-employment compensation; and |
health and welfare benefits. |
The objective is to provide total pay opportunities that are competitive with those provided
by peer companies in the railroad industry and general industry, with actual payment dependent upon
results. In its efforts to achieve this objective, the Compensation Committee considers the
appropriate balance between incentives for short-term and long-term performance and compensation
paid to the executives peers. The Committee also considers the competitiveness of indirect
compensation (pension and other benefits and perquisites). In all cases, the Committee based its
specific decisions and judgments on whether each individual payment or award would provide an
appropriate incentive and reward for individual performance that sustains and enhances long-term
shareholder value.
Base Salary
The Compensation Committee determines a salary for each named executive officer based on its
assessment of the individuals experience and abilities. Salary increases are based on performance
and contribution to CSXs performance. Base salaries are targeted at approximately the median of
salaries paid for similar positions by the comparison companies. Generally, base salary is
designed to target approximately 15-25% of the named executive officers targeted total direct
compensation, which reflects CSXs philosophy that a substantial portion of the total compensation
should be at risk and consist of performance-based cash and equity incentives that link to CSXs
financial and non-financial results. Base salary may represent a larger or smaller percentage of
total compensation if actual performance under the incentive plans discussed below exceeds or falls
short of performance targets.
Mr. Ward presented managements 2006 salary recommendations for the named executive officers
other than himself to the Compensation Committee in February 2006, and the Committee made the final
decision, with input from the Consultant. Mr. Ward did not participate in developing the proposal
for his salary nor was he present during the Committees consideration of his compensation. The
Compensation Committee has generally reviewed base salaries and made adjustments, if any, annually.
Going forward, the Compensation Committee plans to conduct this salary review every other year for
named executive officers.
In a joint meeting on February 7, 2006, the Compensation Committee and Governance Committee
reviewed Mr. Wards performance for 2005. Based on this review, the directors determined that Mr.
Ward had accomplished or exceeded the vast majority of his personal goals for 2005. On this same
date, the Compensation Committee considered the information from the joint meeting and approved an
increase in Mr. Wards salary from $975,000 to $1,000,000, or approximately 2.6%.
The salary increases approved by the Compensation Committee for the other named executive
officers ranged from 4.3% to approximately 6%. All salary increases became effective on March 1,
2006. As a result of these increases, base salaries for the named executive officers generally
remained competitive with the median salaries of the comparison companies.
Annual Incentives
Annual incentives for CSXs senior executive officers, including all of the named executive
officers described in this Proxy Statement, are covered by the shareholder approved Senior
Executive Incentive Plan (SEIP). This plan provides a vehicle for annual incentives to be paid
to the Companys named executive officers while preserving the companys tax deduction under
Section 162(m). Under this shareholder approved plan, an amount equal to the lesser of: (i) 0.3%
of operating income for the CEO and 0.2% of operating income for each other named executive officer
or (ii) $3,000,000, which is the maximum annual incentive amount payable under the plan for that
years performance. The Compensation Committee may adjust this amount
downward in its sole
discretion. In practice, the Compensation Committee has exercised this allowable downward
discretion by reference to the methodology and performance achievement under the broad Management
Incentive Compensation Plan (MICP).
Each named executive officer has a target annual incentive expressed as a percent of base
salary earned during the year, which represents a competitive bonus opportunity and is the starting
point for each years decision. (The target as a percent of salary for the named executive officers
in 2006 was 120% for Mr. Ward, 90% for Messrs. Munoz, Gooden and Ingram, and 80% for Ms.
The Committee then reviews the Companys performance for that year against the pre-established
performance goals for the Company for that year, as reflected in the MICP performance formula, and
sets an overall bonus pool payout level generally ranging from no payout to a maximum of 160%. In
2006, the overall MICP bonus pool payout level was 160%. However, due to adjustments based on
individual performance, some payouts for named executive officers exceeded 160% of target.
Performance factors include: (i) CSX performance based on financial or strategic objectives
(including earnings per share, CSXs operating ratio, operating income and cash available to CSX,
and the performance of CSXs subsidiaries); and (ii) an executives individual performance.
In February 2007, Mr. Ward presented the 2006 annual incentive award recommendations for the
named executive officers, other than himself, to the Compensation Committee, based on an assessment
of individual performance and the overall payout percentage earned under the MICP performance
formula. Mr. Ward did not participate in developing the recommendation for his award nor was he
present during the Compensation Committees consideration of his award. The Compensation Committee,
with input from the Consultant, then recommended, and the Board approved, in a non-management
executive session (a Board meeting excluding Mr. Ward), the amount of the named executive officers
bonus awards.
Performance goals and objectives that had been established by the Compensation Committee were
substantially exceeded in 2006, and were highlighted by a 26% increase in operating income and a
31% increase in earnings per share compared to 2005. The actual payout for the named executive
officers was substantially less than the maximum available to each individual under the SEIP and
ranged from 156% to 176% of the target award percent of salary. The payout is reported as 2006
Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation in the Summary Compensation Table.
Long-Term Incentives
The use of performance-based compensation is intended to enhance the linkage of executive
compensation to the creation of shareholder value by providing incentives based on performance
linked to measures that are believed to drive long-term shareholder value. Long-term incentive
compensation opportunities are targeted to be competitive with comparison companies opportunities
and are intended to reward performance over a multi-year period. Long-term incentive awards are
granted in the form of performance share units, which rise or fall in value along with shares of
CSX common stock.
The long-term incentive opportunities are designed to emphasize performance that is
substantially within managements direct control, while also linking the payouts value to share
price by paying in CSX common stock. In 2005, the Compensation Committee reviewed a number of key
financial measures for potential use as a performance target under the long-term incentive
plansincluding free cash flow, which was the measure that drove the 2004-2005 Long-term Incentive
Plan. The Committee assessed the success of the 2004-2005 Plan and concluded that the measure at
the center of the program, free cash flow, was well communicated and supported a number of
financial and organizational development objectives.
At this time, the Compensation Committee believes operating ratio to be a key performance
measure for CSX. Operating ratio is defined as annual Surface Transportation operating expenses
divided by Surface Transportation revenue of CSXs rail and intermodal businesses. The
Compensation Committee determined that the key objectives of the focus on cash flow generation had
been achieved and needed less emphasis to be maintained, but that a strong focus on CSXs operating
ratio would be an appropriate driver of shareholder value and performance going forward. Thus, the
Committee selected operating ratio as the performance target for the next two cycles. The decision
was based on a full consideration of: (a) the ability of the various financial
measures to impact
shareholder value; and (b) the ability of participants to see a direct link between their work and
the chosen measure.
In selecting a performance measure, the Compensation Committee was guided by the following
principles: (i) the need for alignment with shareholder interest, (ii) the ability for covered
employees to comprehend and take action, and (iii) the ability to be communicated in a way that
incents appropriate employee action. The Company has found that, over the last 15 years, operating
ratio has had a very high correlation to Company stock price. Finally, to maximize the ability of
CSXs network to meet increasing transportation demand, CSX needs to use resources as efficiently
as possible. Accordingly, the measure was seen as supporting service improvement and resource
In 2006, the Compensation Committee decided to continue its performance-based long-term
incentive compensation program (LTIP) and to transition it from two-year cycles with an
every-other-year grant to three-year cycles with annual grants. This transition was accomplished
by making two grants in May 2006, one with an opportunity to earn shares based on 2006-2007
performance, and one with an opportunity to earn shares based on 2006-2008 performance. Beginning
in 2007 and each year thereafter, CSX plans to initiate a new LTIP per year with each plan based on
a 3-year performance cycle. Thus, beginning in 2008, an incentive payout opportunity will be
available annually based upon a 3-year performance cycle.
The measure of achievement of the pre-established operating ratio and other financial and
non-financial targets will be determined based on the final year of the cycle, based on goals
established by the Compensation Committee. Operating ratio is adjusted by excluding non-recurring
items that are disclosed in the financial statements. Since the price of oil has a significant
impact on operating ratio, the operating ratio targets factor in the average cost of oil per
In May 2006, management presented its recommendation to the Compensation Committee regarding
the target number of performance share units to be issued to each eligible employee, including the
named executive officers. The LTIP provides for the grant of performance share units, as approved
by the Compensation Committee for each designated band level, which is based on an employees job
position, responsibilities, accountability and the potential to affect CSXs financial results.
Over 600 CSX employees, including the named executive officers, were eligible to receive grants of
performance share units in 2006. The Compensation Committee approved the performance share units
on May 2, 2006, conditioned upon shareholder re-approval of the CSX Omnibus Incentive Plan
(Omnibus Plan), which occurred on May 3, 2006. The grant was then made on May 4, 2006, and
expensed pursuant to Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 123(R), Share-Based Payment
(FAS 123(R)) at the grant date fair value of $36.88. The number of performance share units
granted under the 2006-2007 LTIP grant takes into account the fact that our prior LTIP practice was
to grant awards only every two years. For more information on the LTIP grants, see the Outstanding
Equity Awards Table on page 31.
The range of payouts in performance share units under the LTIP, if any, will depend on the
actual level of operating ratio achieved for fiscal 2007 for the 2006-2007 LTIP grant and for
fiscal 2008 for the 2006-2008 LTIP grant. Thus, depending on the achievement of pre-established
performance targets, payouts of performance share units at the end of the performance cycle can
range from 0% to 200% of the performance share units granted and will be paid in shares of CSX
common stock.
The awards to named executive officers are further subject to adjustments based on the
achievement of pre-established earnings per share targets (excluding non-recurring items) that can
produce up to a 20% increase or decrease in the payout generated by the operating ratio measure.
The Compensation Committee also has discretion to reduce awards by up to 30% based on its
assessment of managements achievement of established strategic goals, including safety, corporate
responsibility and pre-established operating goals. Awards are also subject to forfeiture if an
employees employment terminates before payout for any reason other than death, disability, or
retirement. If employment terminates due to death, disability, or retirement, participants receive
a prorated portion of any payout based on the time period they were an active participant in the
Restricted Stock
From time to time, the Compensation Committee may award shares of restricted stock.
Generally, CSX makes such awards in connection with attracting and, through the use of multi-year
vesting schedules, retaining certain executive officers. CSX did not make any restricted stock
awards to any of the named executive officers in 2006.
In 2006, approximately 40 members of senior management, including the named executive
officers, were also provided an annual perquisite allowance of $15,000. Additionally,
approximately 165 members of senior management, including the named executive officers, were
eligible to receive discounts of up to $10,000 at The Greenbrier, a CSX-owned resort. Financial
planning services, excess liability insurance and annual physicals were made available to the named
executive officers and were valued at approximately $14,000 for each named executive officer.
For security reasons, Mr. Ward is required to travel by Company aircraft at all times, and a
home security system is provided to him. For 2006, Mr. Wards Company-mandated aircraft usage was
$61,084. All other executive team members are entitled to occasional private air travel and, other
than Mr. Ward, the maximum incremental cost to CSX for any one named executive officer in 2006 was
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans
CSX maintains nonqualified deferred compensation plans, in compliance with Section 409A, for
the benefit of its executives and certain other employees. The types of compensation eligible for
deferral include base salary, short-term incentive compensation, and LTIP awards. The interest
earned on these deferrals is at market rates for all of the named executive officers.
The purpose of the nonqualified deferred compensation plan is to provide executives with the
opportunity to defer:
a portion of their compensation in excess of qualified plan limits; |
additional compensation to allow them to receive the full company matching
contribution of 3% of base salary available under the
401(k) plan to other employees; |
compensation until retirement or other specified date or period; |
income tax liability on compensation until distribution; and |
pre-tax gains, if any, on deferred compensation based on benchmark investments similar
to those available to all employees under the 401(k) plan. |
Cash deferrals are hypothetically invested as elected by the participant among the investment
funds or benchmarks that are available under the 401(k) plan. Stock deferrals are automatically
held as outstanding shares in a rabbi trust. Dividend equivalents are either credited in the form
of shares, or received as cash in connection with stock deferrals made prior to 2005. For stock
deferrals made in 2005, or any time thereafter, dividend equivalents are credited in the form of
Beginning with deferrals made on or after January 1, 2005, distribution of deferred amounts
plus earnings to participants who are key employees will not be made for at least six months
following separation from service for those who elected a distribution at separation. Key
employees are generally the highest paid 50 officers.
Retirement / Post-Employment Compensation
Retirement Benefits
CSXs retirement benefits consist of two components: a defined benefit pension plan and a
401(k) plan. CSX also sponsors a post retirement health and welfare plan for employees hired
before January 1, 2003.
The two retirement income components described above are provided to the named executive
officers under the following plans, which are described on pages 34-37:
CSX Pension Plan (the Qualified Plan); |
Special Retirement Plan for CSX Corporation and Affiliated Corporations (the Special
Retirement Plan); |
The Tax Savings Thrift Plan for Employees of CSX Corporation and Affiliated Companies
(CSXtra); and |
The Executive Deferred Compensation Plan (EDCP). |
CSX generally calculates pension benefits based on the named executive officers base salary,
annual bonus, and CSXs matching 401(k) contributions. However, the matching contributions are not
included in the pension benefit calculations for Messrs. Ward and Gooden, because they are eligible
for certain other benefits under the Special Retirement Plan. Because the Internal Revenue Code
(the Code) limits annual benefits under tax-qualified pension plans to $175,000 in 2006, and also
limits the maximum compensation that can be used to determine benefits to $220,000 in 2006, CSX
uses a nonqualified plan, the Special Retirement Plan, to achieve the targeted retirement income.
Under the Special Retirement Plan, Messrs. Ward and Gooden were designated to receive credit for
additional years of service. Effective in 2007, Mr. Ward voluntarily relinquished the right to any
future additional service accruals. Mr. Gooden has achieved the maximum additional service cap.
For employees hired before January 1, 2003, pension income is generally provided pursuant to a
traditional final average pay pension formula. This means that pension benefits (annuity
commencing at age 65) are based on the average monthly earnings for a participants highest 60
consecutive-month compensation period multiplied by 1.5%, which is then multiplied by years of
employment service and reduced by a percentage of railroad retirement or social security benefits,
as applicable. For employees hired on or after January 1, 2003, pension income is generally
provided pursuant to a cash balance formula. This change was made to follow evolving market
practices, increase benefit portability, and reduce plan administration cost as well as overall
future benefit costs. Mr. Ingram, although hired after January 1, 2003, is eligible to receive
benefits under the traditional final average pay formula in accordance with the terms of his
employment agreement. However, the pension benefits that Mr. Ingram will receive under CSXs
pension plans will be reduced by pension benefit amounts received from his prior employer, as well
as any monthly benefits payable under the cash balance formula.
The Qualified Plan also provides for additional benefits in cases where an employee is
transferred between railroad employment (covered by Railroad Retirement Benefits) and nonrailroad
employment (covered by Social Security Benefits). This transfer benefit is meant to make up for
the employee leaving the Railroad Retirement program with its higher benefits and moving to the
Social Security program with its lower benefits. Messrs. Ward and Gooden are entitled to a
transfer benefit under the Qualified Plan.
All CSX non-union employees may contribute to the Company-wide CSXtra Plan, which is a
traditional qualified 401(k) plan. Participants may contribute on a pre-tax and post-tax basis and
receive Company matching contributions. If a named executive officer is precluded from making the
maximum pre-tax contributions as a result of Code limits, additional compensation may be deferred
under the EDCP to provide the Company maximum matching contribution of 50% on an employee
contribution of up to 6% of base salary.
Other Post-Employment Compensation
With the exceptions discussed in the Post-Termination and Change in Control Payments
section, the Company does not generally provide for any special termination of employment payments
or benefits that favor the named executive officers in scope, terms or operation. Rather, payments
are generally available to all salaried employees pursuant to the terms of the pension, 401(k), and
the nonqualified deferred compensation programs, as well as any stock-based plans in the amounts
and under the terms discussed herein.
Change in Control Payments
CSX has entered into change in control agreements (Employment Agreements) with each of the
named executive officers. These agreements are designed to assist with recruiting and retaining
executive level talent, and to provide continuity of management in the event of a change in control
of CSX. CSX also has a goal of ensuring management objectivity in the face of a potential
transaction and believes this program accomplishes that goal. Overall, CSX views this program as a
key element of a competitive executive compensation program, and has designed the provisions to be
in line with market practice.
Upon consummation of a transaction resulting in a change in control, each Employment Agreement
provides for a minimum term of employment, and sets forth the specific terms of employment,
including annual and incentive compensation, participation in employee pension benefit and welfare
plans, fringe and other benefits. The Agreements generally provide for severance compensation when
an executives employment is terminated following a change in control. Certain executives,
including each of the named executive officers, have the ability to voluntarily terminate their
employment for certain limited time periods, and to receive the related benefits if a change in
control occurs.
Under the terms of the Omnibus Plan, participants (including the named executive officers) are
also entitled to full and immediate vesting of their LTIP grants, restricted stock and stock
options upon a change in control.
A detailed description of the change in control program is set forth on pages 41-45 under the
section entitled Post-Termination and Change in Control Payments.
Health and Welfare Benefits
CSX provides health and welfare benefits to the named executive officers on the same terms
available to eligible employees. This includes a variety of medical plan options from which to
choose including dental benefits under a preferred provider plan. Medical and dental benefits are
generally paid 80% by the Company and 20% by the employee. The Company also provides basic life insurance
and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance coverage to all management employees,
each of which is equal to two times annual salary. Both life and AD&D benefits were capped at
$1,000,000 effective January 1, 2006, but employees who already had coverage in excess of
$1,000,000 retained the prior cap of $3,000,000. The Company also provides salary continuance in
the event of short term disability plus long term disability (LTD) insurance, travel accident
insurance, and vacation based on length of service. Under the change in control employment
agreements, named executive officers are also entitled to receive certain post-employment health
and welfare benefits for a limited period of time in the event that employment is terminated
following a change in control.
Accounting, Tax and Dilution Considerations
As discussed below, a significant portion of each named executive officers compensation is
performance-based. Section 162(m) imposes a $1 million limit on the amount that CSX may deduct for
compensation paid to the named executive officers. However, performance-based compensation paid
under a plan that has been approved by shareholders is excluded from the $1 million limit if, among
other requirements, the compensation is payable only upon attainment of pre-established objective
performance goals and the Compensation Committee that establishes such goals consists only of
outside directors.
The Compensation Committee and the Board have considered the Section 162(m) requirements.
While the tax effect of any compensation arrangement is a key factor to be considered, the effect
is evaluated by the Compensation Committee in light of CSXs overall compensation philosophy and
objectives. CSXs compensation program for named executive officers has both objective and
discretionary elements. Generally, the Compensation Committee wishes to maximize CSXs federal
income tax deductions for compensation expense and, therefore, has structured the short-term and
long-term incentive elements of executive compensation to meet the requirements for deductibility
under Section 162(m). Nonetheless, the Compensation Committee believes that there are
circumstances in which the provision of compensation that is not fully deductible may be more
consistent with CSXs compensation philosophy and objectives and may be in the best
interests of
CSX and its shareholders. The Committees ability to exercise discretion and to retain flexibility
in this regard may, in certain circumstances, outweigh the advantages of qualifying all
compensation as deductible under Section 162(m).
The Committee believes that the compensation of executive officers has been appropriately
structured and administered so that a substantial component of total compensation is dependent
upon, and directly related to, CSXs performance and total returns to its shareholders. In
developing the Companys executive pay programs, the Compensation Committee also considers the
accounting, tax and shareholder dilution costs of specific executive compensation programs, and
seeks to balance the earnings, tax, and dilution impact of executive compensation plans with the
attraction, retention, motivation value, and performance requirements of the plans.
Other Agreements
From time to time, CSX enters into employment agreements with named executive officers. In
general, these agreements are offered in connection with recruiting executive officers when CSX
deems it necessary to provide employment security to new hires. Agreements of this type exist to
provide severance pay and related benefits to Messrs. Munoz and Ingram, both of whom were recruited
and hired from outside CSX within the past few years. None of the other named executive officers
currently has an employment agreement with CSX.
Additional information regarding these agreements is set forth on pages 30-31 in the
Employment Agreements section.
Stock Ownership Guidelines
CSX believes that, to link the interests of executive officers to those of its shareholders,
it is important that executive officers hold an ownership position in CSX common stock. To achieve
this linkage, CSX has established the following formal stock ownership guidelines. These guidelines
are generally at or above the stock ownership guidelines of the comparison companies. Officers
must retain 100% of net shares issued until the guidelines are achieved, and may dispose of shares
held in excess of the guidelines. However, senior executives must retain 50% of new net shares
issued after the guidelines are achieved until retirement or termination. All of the named
executive officers currently exceed these ownership guidelines.
Position |
Minimum Value |
Chief Executive Officer
6 times base salary |
Executive Vice Presidents
4 times base salary |
Senior Vice Presidents
3 times base salary |
Vice Presidents and Equivalent
1 times base salary |
Executive Compensation Actions Taken in 2007
On February 13, 2007, the Compensation Committee approved the MICP payouts for management and
the SEIP/MICP payouts for the senior executive team for 2006. On February 14, 2007, the Board, in
a non-management executive session, approved the 2006 annual SEIP/MICP payout for Mr. Ward. For
more information on the annual incentive payouts to the named executive officers, please refer to
the Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table set forth on
page 28.
Summary Compensation Table
On July 18, 2006, the Board of Directors approved a two-for-one split of CSXs common stock.
Each holder of record at the close of business on August 3, 2006 received one additional share of
CSX common stock for each share of CSX common stock held on that date. All references to CSX common
stock in this Proxy Statement reflect amounts of CSX common stock, as adjusted, on a post-split
The Summary Compensation Table shows the amount and type of compensation received, as well as
granted, in 2006 for the CEO, the CFO, and the next three most highly-paid executive officers.
Change in Pension |
Value and |
Nonqualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
Stock |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
Salary |
Bonus |
Awards1 |
Awards2 |
Compensation3 |
Earnings4 |
Compensation5 |
Total |
Name |
Year |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Michael J. Ward
Chairman, President
and CEO |
2006 |
995,833 |
$ |
6,385,128 |
$ |
529,198 |
$ |
2,031,500 |
$ |
3,672,230 |
$ |
157,587 |
$ |
13,771,476 |
Oscar Munoz
Executive Vice
and CFO |
2006 |
595,833 |
$ |
2,452,611 |
$ |
117,742 |
$ |
836,000 |
$ |
62,169 |
$ |
49,226 |
$ |
4,113,581 |
Tony L. Ingram
Executive Vice
and COO
CSX Transportation,
Inc. |
2006 |
520,833 |
$ |
2,495,743 |
$ |
825,000 |
$ |
1,255,114 |
$ |
54,738 |
$ |
5,151,428 |
Clarence W. Gooden
Executive Vice
and COO |
2006 |
495,833 |
$ |
2,443,734 |
$ |
54,177 |
$ |
750,000 |
$ |
1,363,633 |
$ |
61,086 |
$ |
5,168,463 |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons
Senior Vice
Law & Public Affairs
and Corporate
Secretary |
2006 |
445,833 |
$ |
2,134,571 |
$ |
73,015 |
$ |
571,000 |
$ |
227,987 |
$ |
49,060 |
$ |
3,501,466 |
1 |
Stock Awards This column represents the 2006 FAS 123(R) expense for
(i) outstanding restricted stock granted in previous years and (ii) performance
share unit awards (LTIP grants) granted in 2006. The 2006 accrual for
performance share units was based on an estimate of the likely performance
achievement for expense purposes under FAS 123(R) only, and any amounts
actually paid are dependent on performance achievements in 2007 and 2008 which
are substantially uncertain. Since the awards are in shares, all values are
based on the grant date fair value of shares which could potentially be earned
at $36.88 per share. For more information, see Note 4. Stock Plans and
Share-Based Compensation in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in
the Companys 2006 Form 10-K, which was filed on February 15, 2007. |
2 |
Option Awards This column represents the 2006 FAS 123(R) expense for
outstanding stock option awards, which were last granted in 2003. |
3 |
Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation SEIP, which was paid in February
2007, was based on the 160% payout of MICP, adjusted for individual
performance. For more information regarding the SEIP awards, see Annual
Incentives on page 21. |
4 |
Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings -
The values in this column reflect only changes in pension value as there are no
above-market nonqualified deferred compensation earnings to report. The
present value of accumulated benefits for 2006 reflects a higher discount rate
of 5.75% when compared to the 5.25% discount rate applicable for 2005. This
interest rate change resulted from changes in corporate bond rates and reduces
the change in pension value shown in the Summary Compensation Table. There were
no other changes in plan provisions or assumptions that affected the value. |
5 |
All Other Compensation The values in this column include a $15,000
perquisite allowance for each named executive officer, as well as amounts for
personal aircraft usage, financial planning services, health screenings, excess
liability insurance, life insurance and discounts at the CSX-owned resort. Mr.
Munoz also received a reimbursement of a country club cancellation fee. For
Mr. Ward, this column includes, along with the items discussed above,
Company-mandated aircraft usage by Mr. Ward in the amount of $61,084, as well
as a Company match pursuant to the CSX Directors Matching Gift Program in the
amount of $50,000, which is a perquisite available to Mr. Ward pursuant to his
service as a director. Mr. Wards personal aircraft usage amount was
calculated using the direct operating cost of $1,686.00 per flight hour, which
was the hourly operating cost for 2006. |
Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table
The Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table is a supporting table to the Summary Compensation Table
that provides additional information regarding the grants shown in the Stock Awards and Non-equity
Incentive Plan Compensation columns.
All Other |
Stock |
Estimated Possible Payouts |
Estimated Future Payouts |
Awards; |
Grant Date |
Under Non-Equity |
Under Equity Incentive |
Number of |
Fair Value of |
Incentive Plan Awards3 |
Plan Awards4 |
shares of |
Stock and |
Date Board |
Maxi- |
Maxi- |
stock |
Option |
Approved |
Threshold |
Target |
mum |
Threshold |
Target |
mum |
or units |
Awards5 |
Name |
Grant Date1 |
Plan2 |
($) |
($) |
($) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
($) |
Michael J. Ward |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
39,424 |
246,400 |
591,360 |
$ |
9,086,616 |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
19,712 |
123,200 |
295,680 |
$ |
4,543,308 |
$ |
119,500 |
$ |
1,195,000 |
$ |
3,000,000 |
Oscar Munoz |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
14,784 |
92,400 |
221,760 |
$ |
3,407,481 |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
7,392 |
46,200 |
110,880 |
$ |
1,703,741 |
$ |
53,625 |
$ |
536,250 |
$ |
3,000,000 |
Tony L. Ingram |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
14,784 |
92,400 |
221,760 |
$ |
3,407,481 |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
7,392 |
46,200 |
110,880 |
$ |
1,703,741 |
$ |
46,875 |
$ |
468,750 |
$ |
3,000,000 |
Clarence W. Gooden |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
14,784 |
92,400 |
221,760 |
$ |
3,407,481 |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
7,392 |
46,200 |
110,880 |
$ |
1,703,741 |
$ |
44,625 |
$ |
446,250 |
$ |
3,000,000 |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
9,856 |
61,600 |
147,840 |
$ |
2,271,654 |
May 4, 2006 |
May 2, 2006 |
4,928 |
30,800 |
73,920 |
$ |
1,135,827 |
$ |
35,667 |
$ |
356,666 |
$ |
3,000,000 |
1 |
Grant Date Grants of performance share units were made on
May 4, 2006. For each named executive officer, the grant under the
2006-2007 LTIP is listed first, followed by the grant under the
2006-2008 LTIP. Non-equity incentive plan awards are reflected in
the table even though the awards for 2006 were not determined by the
Compensation Committee until February 2007, after a review of
individual performance based on stated goals. |
2 |
Date Board Approved Plan The Compensation Committee approved
the grants on May 2, 2006, pending re-approval of the Omnibus Plan by
the shareholders, which re-approval occurred on May 3, 2006. The
grants were made effective on May 4, 2006. |
3 |
Estimated Future Payouts Under Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards
The amounts in the columns above reflect what the potential payments
would be under the SEIP as typically administered by the Compensation
Committee using the target percent of salary and performance from the
MICP. The values reflect a threshold payout of 10%, a target payout
of 100% and a maximum payout that cannot exceed $3 million under the
shareholder approved SEIP. At the Compensation Committees
discretion, payouts can be zero. |
4 |
Estimated Future Payments Under Equity Incentive Plan
Programs The values in the columns above reflect the potential
payouts in performance shares under the LTIP based on pre-established
financial performance goals. For the named executive officers, the
Companys operating ratio and earnings per share (EPS) for the
final year of each plan will determine a payout of performance shares
which can range from 0% to 240% of the grant. The values reflect a
threshold payout of 16%, a target payout of 100%. The threshold
amount represents a 16% payout and a maximum payout of 240%. |
5 |
Aggregate grant date fair value of all LTIP grants The values
in this column reflect the number of performance share units granted,
which is the target number, multiplied by $36.8775 (the average of
the high and low price of CSX stock on the date of grant). |
As described above in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the Summary Compensation
Table and Grant of Plan-based Awards Table reflect that a substantial portion of the total
compensation paid to each named executive officer is at risk and consists of performance-based cash
and equity incentives that link each named executive officers pay to CSXs financial and
non-financial results.
Employment Agreements
CSX currently has employment agreements in place with Mr. Munoz and Mr. Ingram, which were
entered into in 2003 and 2004, respectively, when each joined CSX. As described above, Mr. Ward,
Mr. Gooden and Ms. Fitzsimmons do not have formal employment agreements in place, but rather, along
with Mr. Munoz and Mr. Ingram, have their compensation reviewed and approved annually by the
Compensation Committee and are all eligible to participate in the SEIP, LTIPs and all other
elements of compensation discussed in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section.
Mr. Munoz
Under the terms of an agreement entered into in May 2003, Mr. Munoz is employed as Executive
Vice President and CFO of CSX. The agreement provides for an annual base salary of no less than
$500,000. The agreement also provides for an annual target bonus of 90% of his base salary. Mr.
Munoz received an initial stock option grant of 250,000 shares, which vest ratably over three
years, with the first shares vesting at the end of his third year of employment, which was May 17,
2006. In addition, Mr. Munoz was granted 50,000 shares of restricted stock that vest at the rate
of 10,000 shares on the first, second and third anniversary of his employment with the last 20,000
shares vesting on the fourth anniversary. Since the restricted stock award was granted, 30,000
shares have vested and 20,000 shares remain unvested. Mr. Munoz was also provided a signing bonus
of $250,000, with $125,000 payable in both May 2003 and May 2004. Mr. Munoz is also entitled to
participate in employee benefit plans and to receive perquisites generally made available to senior
executives of CSX.
Mr. Ingram
Pursuant to an agreement entered into in March 2004, Mr. Ingram is employed as Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer of CSX Transportation. The agreement provides for an annual
base salary of no less than $450,000 and an annual target bonus of 90% of his base salary. Mr.
Ingram also received a $250,000 signing bonus and a 50,000 share restricted stock grant. The
restricted stock vests at the rate of 10,000 shares on the first, second and third anniversary of
his employment with the last 20,000 shares vesting on the fourth anniversary. Since the restricted
stock award was granted, 30,000 shares have vested and 20,000 shares remain unvested. Mr. Ingram
is also entitled to participate in employee benefit plans and to receive perquisites generally made
available to senior executives of CSX.
If Mr. Ingrams employment is terminated for any reason other than cause, he is eligible for
an unfunded pension benefit under the terms of CSXs traditional defined benefit formula. This
benefit is calculated using prior credited service earned at Norfolk Southern Corporation (NS)
and covered compensation using CSX base pay and bonus. In addition to offsets for Social Security
and Railroad Retirement benefits, the amount of Mr. Ingrams pension benefit is offset by pension
benefits paid to Mr. Ingram from NS pension plans and any monthly benefits received under the cash
balance benefit plan described in the narrative following the Pension Benefits Table.
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The table below presents information pertaining to all outstanding equity awards held by the
named executive officers as of December 29, 2006, based on CSXs closing price on December 29, 2006
of $34.43. Outstanding equity awards are comprised of the following:
§ |
Stock options: Generally awarded annually by CSX prior to 2004. |
§ |
Restricted stock: Awarded periodically by CSX; restricted stock awards vest
through continued service with CSX. |
§ |
LTIP awards: LTIP awards are performance-based incentive awards that are
settled in shares of CSX stock; LTIP awards disclosed below include grants for both the
2006-2007 and 2006-2008 performance periods. |
Stock Awards |
Equity |
Equity |
Incentive |
Incentive Plan |
Plan |
Awards: |
Awards: |
Market or |
Number of |
Payout |
Option Awards |
Unearned |
Value of |
Number of |
Number of |
Market |
Shares, |
Unearned |
Securities |
Securities |
Number of |
Value of |
Units or |
Shares, Units |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Shares or Units |
Shares or |
Other |
or Other |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Option |
of Stock That |
Units of Stock |
Rights That |
Rights That |
Options |
Options |
Exercise |
Option |
Have Not |
That Have Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
(#) |
(#) |
Price2 |
Expiration |
Vested4 |
Vested5 |
Vested6 |
Vested7 |
Name |
Exercisable |
Unexercisable1 |
($) |
Date3 |
(#) |
($) |
(#) |
($) |
Michael J. Ward |
100,000 |
$ |
28.5000 |
09/10/07 |
369,600 |
$ |
12,725,328 |
80,000 |
$ |
20.4844 |
02/10/09 |
350,000 |
$ |
19.7975 |
05/17/11 |
133,332 |
$ |
19.0700 |
02/13/12 |
6,668 |
533,332 |
$ |
16.0725 |
05/07/13 |
Oscar Munoz |
83,334 |
166,666 |
$ |
16.0725 |
05/07/13 |
20,000 |
$ |
688,600 |
138,600 |
$ |
4,771,998 |
Tony L. Ingram |
30,000 |
$ |
1,032,900 |
138,600 |
$ |
4,771,998 |
Clarence W. Gooden |
27,666 |
$ |
19.7975 |
05/17/11 |
34,000 |
$ |
1,170,620 |
138,600 |
$ |
4,771,998 |
20,000 |
20,000 |
$ |
19.0700 |
02/13/12 |
20,000 |
40,000 |
$ |
16.0725 |
05/07/13 |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons |
27,666 |
$ |
19.7975 |
05/17/11 |
54,620 |
$ |
1,880,567 |
92,400 |
$ |
3,181,332 |
20,000 |
$ |
19.0700 |
02/13/12 |
66,666 |
$ |
16.0725 |
05/07/13 |
1 |
Number of Securities Underlying Unexercised Options Unexercisable Stock option
awards granted prior to 1999 became exercisable in one-third increments based on the attainment of
pre-determined stock prices. One year prior to the expiration date of such grant all options
became exercisable. Stock option awards granted after 1998 became exercisable in annual one-thirds
increments, commencing on the third anniversary of the grant date. |
2 |
Option Exercise Price The option exercise price is the average of the high and low
stock price on the grant date of the stock option award. The approval date and grant date are the
same for each individual stock option grant listed above. |
3 |
Option Expiration Date The stock option awards expire on the tenth anniversary of
the grant date. |
4 |
Number of Shares or Units of Stock That Have Not Vested The number of shares in the
column above represent the number of unvested restricted shares of stock, as of December 29, 2006,
granted to the named executive officers as an incentive to remain employed by CSX. Under the terms
of the restricted stock agreements, the grants are subject to partial accelerated vesting if
employment with CSX terminates as a result of death, disability, termination without cause, or
resignation for good reason. |
Mr. Munoz - Mr. Munoz received a restricted stock grant of 50,000 shares on May 7, 2003. Since the
date of grant 30,000 shares have vested. The remaining 20,000 shares will vest on May 7, 2007. |
Mr. Ingram Mr. Ingram received a restricted stock grant of 50,000 shares on March 15, 2004.
Since the date of grant 30,000 shares have vested. The remaining 20,000 shares will vest on March
14, 2008. |
Mr. Gooden Mr. Gooden received a restricted stock grant of 34,000 shares on October 4, 2002. His
34,000 shares will vest on October 4, 2007. |
Ms. Fitzsimmons Ms. Fitzsimmons received restricted stock grants of 34,000 shares on October 4,
2002 and 41,240 shares on December 22, 2005. Since the date of both grants, 20,620 shares have
vested. The remaining 54,620 shares will vest as follows: 34,000 shares on October 4, 2007, 10,310
shares on December 22, 2007, and 10,310 shares on December 22, 2008. |
5 |
Market Value of Share or Units of Stock That Have Not Vested The market values are
based on the stock price as of December 29, 2006 of $34.43. The value can be more or less than
these amounts based on the stock price at the end of the vesting period. |
6 |
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Number of Unearned Shares, Units or Other Rights That
Have Not Vested In accordance with the SEC requirements for this table, the number of shares
shown in the column above represents the sum of the shares that would be payable under the
2006-2007 LTIP and 2006-2008 LTIP if the Companys actual performance in 2006 was applied to each
plans performance measures. The Companys 2006 performance creates a 100% or target payout of the
2006-2007 LTIP and a 24% payout of the 2006-2008 LTIP. The SEC requires that projected payouts
above threshold be shown at the next higher performance measure (target or maximum). Therefore,
the number of units shown above is equal to the target payouts (100%) of the 2006-2007 LTIP and the
2006-2008 LTIP. Actual payout of awards will be based on the Companys performance for the last
year of each plan. Dividend equivalents are not paid on grants. |
7 |
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Market or Payout Value of Unearned Shares, Units or
Other Rights That Have Not Vested The market values are based on the closing stock price as of
December 29, 2006 of $34.43. The value can be more or less than these amounts based on the stock
price at the end of the performance period. |
Option Exercises and Stock Vested
The table below presents the stock options exercised by and the restricted stock that vested
for each of the named executive officers during 2006.
§ |
Option Awards: The value realized for the stock options exercised by the
named executive officers reflects the stock price at exercise less the options exercise
price multiplied by the number of stock options exercised. |
§ |
Restricted Stock Awards: The value realized for stock awards reflects CSXs
stock price on the vesting date for the number of restricted stock awards that vested
during 2006. Restricted stock awards vest on the vesting date established when the award
was granted. The vesting of awards is generally based on the executives continued
service with CSX through the vesting date. |
Option Awards |
Shares |
Stock Awards |
Acquired on |
Value Realized |
Shares Acquired |
Value Realized |
Name |
Exercise1 |
($) |
on Vesting2 |
($) |
Michael J. Ward |
769,868 |
$ |
10,507,245 |
330,000 |
$ |
8,609,700 |
Oscar Munoz |
10,000 |
$ |
368,625 |
Tony L. Ingram |
10,000 |
$ |
281,375 |
Clarence W. Gooden |
103,600 |
$ |
529,097 |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons |
169,568 |
$ |
1,652,781 |
10,310 |
$ |
353,375 |
1 |
Shares Acquired on Exercise Shares acquired by Messrs. Ward and Gooden and Ms. Fitzsimmons were not
retained through the end of the year. Value realized = number of options x (sales price grant price). |
2 |
Shares Acquired on Vesting Mr. Wards restricted stock grant vested on February 13, 2006 when the stock
price was $26.09; Mr. Munozs restricted stock grant vested on May 8, 2006 when the stock price was $36.8625; Mr.
Ingrams restricted stock grant vested on March 14, 2006 when the stock price was $28.1375; and Ms. Fitzsimmons
restricted stock grant vested on December 22, 2006 when the stock price was $34.275. |
Pension Benefits Table
As reflected by the Pension Benefits Table, and as described below, CSX maintains two defined
benefit plans under which the named executive officers are entitled to benefits: the CSX Pension
Plan and the Special Retirement Plan for CSX Corporation and Affiliated Corporations.
Number of |
Present Value of |
Payments |
Years Credited |
Accumulated |
During Last |
Service |
Benefit |
Fiscal Year |
Name |
Plan Name |
(#) |
($) |
($) |
Michael J. Ward |
CSX Pension Plan (Qualified) |
29.333 |
$ |
875,936 |
Special Retirement Plan (Nonqualified) |
40.416 |
1 |
$ |
10,382,436 |
Oscar Munoz |
CSX Pension Plan (Qualified) |
3.416 |
$ |
28,329 |
Special Retirement Plan (Nonqualified) |
3.416 |
$ |
121,321 |
Tony L. Ingram |
CSX Pension Plan (Qualified) |
2.500 |
$ |
24,871 |
Special Retirement Plan (Nonqualified) |
37.000 |
2 |
$ |
5,220,288 |
Clarence W. Gooden |
CSX Pension Plan (Qualified) |
34.833 |
$ |
1,022,580 |
Special Retirement Plan (Nonqualified) |
44.000 |
3 |
$ |
3,660,603 |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons |
CSX Pension Plan (Qualified) |
15.083 |
$ |
258,299 |
Special Retirement Plan (Nonqualified) |
15.083 |
$ |
602,496 |
1 |
Special Retirement Plan (Nonqualified) Mr. Wards credited service under the Special
Retirement Plan is 40.416 years, including additional years of service credited in accordance
with the Special Retirement Plan (see section entitled Special Retirement Plan of CSX and
Affiliated Corporations Additional Service Credit); his actual years of service are 29.333
years. The present value of his accumulated benefit under the Special Retirement Plan that is
attributable to his credited years of service above his actual years of service is $3,128,680.
Note that Mr. Ward was designated for participation in the Special Retirement Plan in
September 1995, eight years before he became CEO. Beginning in 2007, Mr. Ward has voluntarily
given up the right to any future accruals of extra years of service under this plan. See
discussion below of the Special Retirement Plan on page 36. |
2 |
Special Retirement Plan (Nonqualified) Mr. Ingrams credited service under the Special
Retirement Plan is 37.0 years due to the crediting of his service with his prior employer
under his employment agreement; his actual years of service are 2.5 years. However, his CSX
pension benefit is offset by the pension benefits he receives from his prior employer as well
as any monthly amount payable from his CSX cash balance benefit. The present value of his
accumulated benefit under the Special Retirement Plan that is attributable to his credited
years of service above his actual years of service is $4,721,170. See discussion below of the
Special Retirement Plan on page 36. |
3 |
Special Retirement Plan (Nonqualified) Mr. Goodens credited service under the Special
Retirement Plan is 44 years, including additional years of service credited in accordance with
the Special Retirement Plan (see section entitled Special Retirement Plan of CSX and
Affiliated Corporations Additional Service Credit), and his actual years of service are
34.833 years. Mr. Gooden will receive no additional years of service credit under this plan
going forward. The present value of his accumulated benefit under the Special Retirement Plan
that is attributable to his credited years of service above his actual years of service is
$720,689. See discussion below of the Special Retirement Plan page 36. |
CSX Pension Plan
The CSX Pension Plan (the Qualified Plan) is a qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the
Code that covers most of CSXs non-union employees upon completing one year of service and
attaining age 21. In general, pension benefits under the Qualified Plan accrue in two different
ways: for employees who were hired
before January 1, 2003, benefits accrue based on a final
average pay formula, and for employees hired on or after January 1, 2003, benefits accrue based on
a cash balance formula.
Final Average Pay Formula for Employees Hired Before January 1, 2003
For employees hired before January 1, 2003, the final average pay formula provides for a
benefit, expressed as a life annuity starting at age 65, equal to 1.5% of the employees final
average pay multiplied by the employees years of service. This amount is then reduced by 40% of
the employees Social Security benefits or 60% of the employees Railroad Retirement benefits, or
both, whichever is applicable. The resulting benefit is subject to a cap imposed under Section 415
of the Code (the Section 415 Limit). The Section 415 Limit for 2006 is $175,000 (for a life
annuity at age 65) and is subject to adjustment under the Code for future cost of living changes.
Further, under the Code, the maximum amount of pay that may be taken into account for any year is
limited. This limit (the Compensation Limit) is $220,000 for 2006 and is subject to adjustment
under the Code for future cost of living changes. The pay taken into account under the final
average pay formula includes base pay, non-equity incentive plan awards, and matching contributions
made under CSXs 401(k) plans, although matching contributions are disregarded for employees
entitled to additional service credit under the Special Retirement Plan discussed below.
Because Messrs. Ward and Gooden and Ms. Fitzsimmons were hired before January 1, 2003, they
are covered by the final average pay formula under the Qualified Plan. As discussed below, Mr.
Ingram is entitled to a pension benefit under the Special Retirement Plan pursuant to an employment
agreement that is calculated based on the final average pay formula under the Qualified Plan.
Cash Balance Formula for Employees Hired on or After January 1, 2003
Employees who become eligible to participate in the Qualified Plan on or after January 1, 2003
earn pension benefits under a cash balance formula. Benefits earned under the cash balance formula
are expressed in the form of a hypothetical account balance. For each month of service, an
employees account is credited with a percentage of the employees pay for that month. The
percentage of pay credited is determined based on the employees age and years of service. Because
Mr. Munoz and Mr. Ingram were hired after January 1, 2003, they are covered by the cash balance
formula. Mr. Munozs current percentage of pay credit is 4% and Mr. Ingrams current percentage of
pay credit is 5%.
The hypothetical account earns interest credits on a monthly basis using the 10-year Treasury
bond rate and the participants account balance as of the end of the prior month. The 10-year
Treasury bond rate used for 2006 was 4.29%. Pay for purposes of the cash balance formula is
defined in the same way as for the final average pay formula. The Section 415 Limit and
Compensation Limit also apply in determining benefits under the cash balance formula.
Because Mr. Munoz and Mr. Ingram were hired after January 1, 2003, they are covered by the
cash balance formula.
Transfer Benefits
The Qualified Plan also provides for the payment of additional benefits to employees who are
subject to an intracompany transfer between railroad employment (covered by Railroad Retirement
Benefits) and nonrailroad employment (covered by Social Security Benefits). These benefits are
intended to make up for the smaller benefits (including the spousal benefit) payable under Social
Security versus Railroad Retirement. Messrs. Ward and Gooden are eligible for such benefits.
Benefits under the Qualified Plan vest upon the earlier of completion of five years of service
or attainment of age 65.
Early Retirement
The Qualified Plan has a normal retirement age of 65. However, employees with 10 years of
service may retire as early as age 55, but with a reduction from full benefits to reflect
commencement of the benefit earlier than age 65. If an active participant reaches age 55 with 10
years of service, the reduction for early retirement is 1/360th of the pension benefit
for each month the benefit commences prior to age 60. Messrs. Ward and Gooden have already
attained age 55 with 10 years of service and thus are currently eligible to retire under the early
retirement provisions of the Qualified Plan.
Form of Payment of Benefits
Benefits under the Qualified Plans average final pay formula are payable in various annuity
forms at retirement. Benefits under the cash balance formula may be paid upon termination of
employment or retirement as a lump sum or in various annuity forms, including a 50% joint and
survivor annuity (fully subsidized for married employees so that the monthly benefit is the same as
if the employee elected to receive a single life annuity over the employees life). The valuation
method and actuarial factors used to determine the present value of accumulated benefits shown in
the table are described in CSXs 2006 Form 10-K.
Special Retirement Plan of CSX Corporation and Affiliated Corporations
The Special Retirement Plan is a nonqualified plan that generally covers CSX executives,
including the named executive officers, whose compensation exceeds a certain level, $220,000 in
2006. The benefits provided under the Special Retirement Plan that apply to one or more of the
named executive officers are described below. The purpose of the Special Retirement Plan is to
assist CSX in attracting and retaining key executives by allowing it to offer competitive pension
benefits on the basis described below.
Make-Up Benefits
The Special Retirement Plan provides for the payment of pension benefits that make up for
pension benefits that would otherwise be payable under the Qualified Plan if the Section 415 Limit
and the Compensation Limit, both described above, did not apply. All employees who are covered
by the Qualified Plan and whose pension benefits under the Qualified Plan are limited as described
above or who defer compensation under a CSX nonqualified plan are eligible for the make-up
Additional Service Credit
The Special Retirement Plan provides for the granting of additional service credit to
executives designated by the CEO or his designee where it is necessary to do so in order to provide
competitive retirement benefits. Messrs. Ward and Gooden have been covered by the Special
Retirement Plans additional service crediting provisions since September 2, 1995 and December 21,
1996, respectively. Pursuant to the Special Retirement Plans applicable service crediting rules,
an eligible executive is credited with one additional year of service for each actual year of
service worked beginning no earlier than age 45 continuing until age 65. Total service cannot
exceed a maximum of 44 years, unless actual service exceeds 44 years. The additional service credit
vests upon an executives attainment of age 55 and completion of ten years of actual service. The
amount of the pension benefit payable under the Special Retirement Plan as a result of the
additional service credit equals the amount of the additional pension benefit that would have been
paid under the Qualified Plan had the employee been credited under the Qualified Plan with the
additional years of service, not taking into account the Section 415 Limit or the Compensation
Limit. Taking into account the additional crediting of service, Mr. Wards current total
service is 40.917 years, and Mr. Goodens current total service is 44 years. Both Mr. Ward
and Mr. Gooden are vested in their additional service credit. Mr. Ward has voluntarily given up
his right to future extra service credits beginning in 2007, and Mr. Gooden is not entitled to any
extra service credits, also beginning in 2007. As discussed below, Mr. Ingram is entitled to
pension benefits under the Special Retirement Plan that are based on service with his prior
CSX has previously granted additional service credit to executives in accordance with the
above provisions in situations where it determines it is necessary to do so in order to provide
competitive retirement
benefits. The additional service credits discussed above were awarded in
the mid-1990s under a plan provision that is no longer utilized for new participants.
Executive Specific Benefits
The Special Retirement Plan allows the payment of individually negotiated nonqualified pension
benefits. Pursuant to an employment agreement entered into between CSX and Mr. Ingram at the time
Mr. Ingram joined CSX from Norfolk Southern Corporation (NS) in March 2004, CSX agreed to provide
Mr. Ingram with a pension benefit under the Special Retirement Plan calculated based on the
Qualified Plans final pay formula and Mr. Ingrams prior service with NS and his service with CSX.
This benefit is calculated using only CSX compensation and, in addition to reductions for Social
Security and Railroad Retirement benefits, is reduced by pension benefits paid to Mr. Ingram from
NS pension plans. Mr. Ingrams Special Retirement Plan pension benefit may also be reduced by the
benefit he receives under the Qualified Plan. No benefit is payable to Mr. Ingram under the
Special Retirement Plan if he is terminated for cause, which is generally defined as (i) a
willful and continued failure to substantially perform his duties; (ii) willful engagement in
illegal conduct or gross misconduct that is harmful to CSX and performed in bad faith; or (iii) a
violation of CSXs Code of Ethics.
By letter agreement between CSX and Mr. Ward, Mr. Ward is generally entitled upon retirement
to additional monthly payments that would, together with benefits payable under the Qualified Plan,
generally equal the benefits (including spousal benefits) that Mr. Ward lost due to his transfer to
nonrailroad service.
Form of Payment of Benefits; Certain Forfeiture Provisions
Under the current terms of the Special Retirement Plan, pension benefits can be paid in the
same form as under the Qualified Plan, except that Messrs. Ward and Gooden are permitted to elect
to receive their Special Retirement Plan pension benefits in the form of a lump sum. Their
Qualified Plan benefits under the final average pay formula are payable only in the form of an
annuity. CSX anticipates that it will be amending the Special Retirement Plans benefit payment
provisions not later than December 31, 2007 to comply with certain benefit payment rules and
requirements imposed under Section 409A.
Pension benefits under the Special Retirement Plan are subject to (i) suspension and possible
forfeiture if a retired executive competes with the Company or engages in acts detrimental to the
Company or (ii) forfeiture if an executive is terminated for engaging in acts detrimental to the
Under the current terms of the Special Retirement Plan, unless an employee has elected
otherwise, within 45 days after a change in control, the employee is entitled to a lump sum payment
equal to the actuarial present value of his or her accrued benefit under the Special Retirement
Plan as of a date prior to the change in control.
The valuation method and actuarial factors used to determine the present value of accumulated
benefits shown in the Pension Benefits Table for the Special Retirement Plan are described in CSXs
2006 Form 10-K.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Table
The Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Table provides a summary of 2006 deferrals made under
the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan (EDCP), CSXs current executive nonqualified deferral
program, as well as 2006 earnings, distributions, and year-end balances. Two types of deferrals
are represented below; cash deferrals and stock deferrals. Cash deferrals include deferred
portions of a named executive officers base salary and short-term and long-term incentive cash
payments. Stock deferrals include deferred portions of compensation payable in the form of CSX
common stock. We believe that such stock deferrals help assure that executives will in effect
share all the risks and rewards of ownership with shareholders, but in a less liquid form since
they generally cannot sell or access such deferral stock until the end of the deferral period.
Executive |
Aggregate |
Contributions |
Registrant |
Aggregate |
Distributions |
Last Fiscal |
Contributions Last |
Earnings Last |
Last Fiscal |
Aggregate Balance |
Year |
Fiscal Year |
Fiscal Year 1 |
Year2 |
Last Fiscal Year3 |
Name |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Michael J. Ward |
$ |
1,313,182 |
$ |
43,703 |
$ |
4,940,534 |
Oscar Munoz |
$ |
34,500 |
$ |
11,212 |
$ |
37,833 |
$ |
715,951 |
Tony L. Ingram |
$ |
16,800 |
$ |
8,400 |
$ |
1,290,297 |
$ |
4,800,258 |
Clarence W. Gooden |
$ |
15,300 |
$ |
7,650 |
$ |
359,400 |
$ |
1,408,996 |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons |
$ |
69,105 |
$ |
2,191 |
$ |
267,755 |
1 |
Aggregate Earnings Last Fiscal Year in 2006 Earnings on cash deferrals include the
total gains and losses credited in 2006 based on the hypothetical investment of those amounts in
the manner described below. Earnings on stock deferrals reflect the difference between the
closing stock price at the end of 2005 ($25.385) and 2006 ($34.43), plus any dividend
equivalents credited in 2006. |
2 |
Aggregate Distributions Last Fiscal Year Distributions include any dividend equivalents
credited on deferred stock balances in 2006 and that were paid out in the form of cash. |
3 |
Aggregate Balance Last Fiscal Year Of the aggregate balances listed in this column, the
amounts attributable to deferred stock are as follows: Mr. Ward, $4,559,720; Mr. Munoz, $0; Mr.
Ingram, $4,774,795; Mr. Gooden, $1,219,295; and
Ms. Fitzsimmons, $228,549. |
Eligible Deferrals
Under the EDCP, participants are entitled to elect to defer (a) awards payable in cash under
CSXs incentive compensation plans (to the extent designated as being eligible for deferral), (b)
up to 50% of base pay, and (c) awards payable in the form of stock (stock awards), such as
performance share units and restricted stock granted under the Omnibus Plan or other CSX incentive
plans. Participants also are entitled to matching credits based on the amount of additional
matching contributions that the named executive officer would have received under CSXs 401(k) plan
assuming that certain tax code limits did not apply and contributions made under the EDCP were
instead made under CSXs 401(k) plan.
Investment of Deferred Amounts
Stock awards that are deferred under the EDCP are automatically held as outstanding shares in
a rabbi trust and are credited with dividend equivalent shares. Deferred amounts other than stock
awards are, in accordance with a participants individual elections, treated as if they were
invested among the investment funds or benchmarks available under the qualified 401(k) plan. The
funds and benchmarks currently available include
the stable value fund, balance fund, large cap
value fund, S&P 500 Index fund, large cap growth fund, international equity fund, small cap growth
fund, retirement target date funds, and a CSX Stock fund. Participants may elect to change the
investment of deferred amounts, other than deferred stock awards, as of the first day of any
payroll period.
Timing and Form of Benefit Payments
EDCP participants may elect to receive payment of their deferred amounts, including earnings,
upon separation from service, the attainment of a specified age, or upon the occurrence of a change
in control. Participants may elect to receive payment in the form of a lump sum or in semi-annual
installments over a number of years not in excess of twenty years. If a participant fails to make
an election, deferred amounts are paid in lump sum one year after separation from service. With
respect to amounts deferred after December 31, 2004, if payment is triggered by a separation from
service and the participant is a key employee (for CSX, generally the highest paid 50 officers),
payment will not be made until the later of six months after separation from service or the
scheduled date of payment.
A participant may apply for accelerated payment of deferred amounts in the event of certain
hardships and unforeseeable emergencies. A participant also may elect to receive accelerated
distribution of amounts deferred before January 1, 2005 (and earnings thereon) other than for
hardship or an unforeseeable emergency, but the participant is required to forfeit a portion of the
amount to be distributed. Depending on the plan under which the original deferral was made, the
forfeiture may be equal to 5% or a rate equal to the mid-term applicable federal rate (4.73% as of
December 31, 2006) as of the date of distribution. All benefit payments under the EDCP are paid in
the form of cash, except that deferred amounts attributable to stock awards are paid in the form of
CSX stock.
Post-Termination and Change in Control Payments
The following narrative disclosure and tables provide information about CSX arrangements that
pay benefits to named executive officers in connection with (i) the executives termination of
employment with CSX or (ii) pursuant to a change in control of CSX, including upon a termination of
employment following a change in control.
Termination of Employment Payments (Other than upon a Change in Control):
The Company does not generally provide for any special termination of employment payments or
benefits that favor the named executive officers in amount, terms or operation. Rather, payments
are generally available to all salaried employees pursuant to the terms of CSXs pension, 401(k),
and nonqualified deferred compensation programs as well as stock-based plans in the amounts and
under the terms discussed previously on pages 22-26. However, Messrs. Munoz and Ingram may be
eligible for special termination of employment payments in certain circumstances. Furthermore,
LTIP and restricted stock grants received by participants in the Omnibus Plan, including the named
executive officers, may be subject to pro rata vesting upon the recipients termination of
employment under certain circumstances, other than a change in control.
Employment Agreements Messrs. Munoz and Ingram
CSX is party to employment agreements entered into at time of employment with Messrs. Ingram
and Munoz, as discussed above in the narrative accompanying the Summary Compensation Table. These
agreements provide for benefits to be payable to the executives upon a termination of employment,
other than during the employment period covered by the change in control employment agreements
described below.
Munoz Agreement. By letter agreement with CSX dated April 17, 2003, if Mr. Munoz is
terminated by CSX (including pursuant to a constructive termination) for reasons other than for
cause or disability, he will be entitled to the following benefits:
If employment is terminated between May 6, 2006 and May 6, 2008, CSX will pay Mr.
Munoz a lump sum severance payment equal to two times his then current annual base
salary, and any then unvested options granted to him in May 2003 will vest
immediately. |
If employment is terminated after May 6, 2008, CSX will pay Mr. Munoz a lump sum
amount equal to his then current annual base salary. |
Ingram Agreement. By letter agreement dated March 15, 2004, if Mr. Ingram is terminated by
CSX (including pursuant to a constructive termination) for reasons other than for cause or
disability, or Mr. Ingram terminates employment for good reason, he will be entitled to the
following benefits:
If employment is terminated between March 14, 2006 and March 14, 2009, CSX will pay
Mr. Ingram a lump sum severance payment equal to two times his then current annual
base salary, and any then unvested restricted stock granted at the commencement of his
employment will vest immediately. |
If employment is terminated after March 14, 2009, CSX will pay Mr. Ingram a lump
sum amount equal to his then current annual base salary. |
In Messrs. Munozs and Ingrams employment agreements the payment triggers are defined as
Cause generally refers to (1) the executives willful and continued failure
substantially to perform his duties; (2) any willful engagement by the executive in
illegal conduct or gross misconduct that is harmful to CSX and performed in bad faith;
or (3) any violation by the executive of CSXs Code of Ethics. |
Disability is generally defined by reference to CSXs long-term disability plan. |
Constructive termination generally refers to (1) a material diminution in the
executives duties or responsibilities or (2) a reduction in base salary, target
annual bonus, other incentive opportunities, benefits or perquisites (unless peer
executives suffer a comparable reduction). In Mr. Munozs agreement, constructive
termination also includes the circumstance where CSX requires the executive to be
based at any location other than its corporate headquarters. |
Good reason, as used in Mr. Ingrams agreement, generally refers to (1) a
material diminution in the executives duties or responsibilities, (2) the failure by
CSX to comply with the compensation provisions of the employment agreement or (3) any
direction by CSX of Mr. Ingram to act in a manner that would cause a breach in his
confidentiality and non-solicitation agreement with NS, his previous employer. |
Pro Rata Vesting of LTIP and Restricted Stock Grants
LTIP and restricted stock grants under the Omnibus Plan provide for pro rata vesting based on
the number of months elapsed between the date of grant and the date of termination as follows:
LTIP Awards: Payments under the 2006-2007 LTIP and the 2006-2008 LTIP are made pro
rata in the event that an award recipients employment terminates due to death,
disability or retirement. |
Restricted Stock: Restricted stock vests pro rata in the event of termination of
employment by CSX without cause, by reason of death or disability, or by the award
recipient for good reason. Cause is defined in the same manner as under the
change in control employment
agreements discussed below under the section Change in Control Payments section.
Disability is defined by reference to the CSX long-term disability plan which covers
the award recipient. Good reason means the termination of employment within 60 days
after (1) any action resulting in a material diminution of the award recipients
position, authority or responsibilities or (2) CSX requires the award recipient to
relocate to another office location. |
Change in Control Payments:
Full and Immediate Vesting under Omnibus Plan
The named executive officers hold awards governed by the terms of the Omnibus Plan,
including stock options, restricted stock and awards of performance units under the
2006-2007 LTIP and the 2006-2008 LTIP. Upon the occurrence of one of the events specified
below, (i) all grants under the 2006-2007 and 2006-2008 LTIP are considered fully earned
and are immediately payable in cash, (ii) all vesting conditions applicable to restricted
stock are deemed to have been met, and (iii) all outstanding stock options become
immediately exercisable:
a change in control (generally as defined under the change in control employment
agreements); or |
termination of the executives employment by CSX without cause, or by the
executive within three months after an event constituting good reason, following
shareholder approval of a business combination constituting a change in control but
before consummation of the transaction. Cause generally means acts of dishonesty
intended to result in substantial personal enrichment at the expense of CSX or its
affiliates, certain violations of management responsibilities and conviction of a
felony involving moral turpitude. Good reason generally means a reduction in the
executives compensation or benefits (other than certain across-the-board reductions),
a diminution in title, working conditions or management responsibilities, or a change
by 30 miles in the location of the executives employment without his or her consent. |
The following chart quantifies the benefits that would be payable under the Omnibus Plan to each
named executive upon the hypothetical occurrence on December 29, 2006 of an event described above.
Potential Payouts Under the Omnibus Plan Upon Change in Control
Type of Award |
Michael J. Ward |
Oscar Munoz |
Tony L. Ingram |
Clarence W. Gooden |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons |
LTIP Payment (1) |
$ |
12,725,328 |
$ |
4,771,998 |
$ |
4,771,998 |
$ |
4,771,998 |
$ |
3,181,332 |
Restricted Stock (2) |
$ |
688,600 |
$ |
1,032,900 |
$ |
1,170,620 |
$ |
1,880,567 |
Stock Options (Spread) (3) |
$ |
11,838,622 |
$ |
3,059,571 |
$ |
1,041,500 |
$ |
1,531,021 |
Aggregate Payments |
$ |
24,563,950 |
$ |
8,520,169 |
$ |
5,804,898 |
$ |
6,984,118 |
$ |
6,592,920 |
1 |
LTIP Payment Full LTIP payout based on 100% attainment of target levels under the
2006-2007 LTIP and the 2006-2008 LTIP, as of December 29, 2006 (and a unit value of $34.43 as of
that date). |
2 |
Restricted Stock Total value of restricted stock assuming full vesting as of
December 29, 2006 (and a share price of $34.43 as of that date). |
3 |
Stock Options Total value of stock option spread assuming full vesting as of
December 29, 2006 (and a share price of $34.43 as of that date). |
Change in Control Employment Agreements
On December 30, 2004, CSX entered into change in control employment agreements with senior
executives and managers, including each of the named executive officers. Each change in control
agreement provides for salary and benefits to be continued at no less than specified levels
generally for a period of up to three years after a change in control (the Employment Period),
and for certain payments and other benefits to be paid or provided by CSX upon an executives
termination of employment, generally within three years after a change in control. No payments
have been made to any named executive officer pursuant to the change in control employment
agreements described below.
A change in control generally includes any of the following:
the acquisition of 20% or more of CSXs outstanding common stock or the combined
voting power of CSXs outstanding voting stock; |
a change in the majority of the Board as it was composed on the date of the change
in control employment agreement, resulting from actual or threatened election
contests, or through consents by or on behalf of a party of other than the Board; |
a business combination (such as a merger, consolidation or disposition of
substantially all of the assets of CSX or its principal subsidiary), excluding
business combinations that will not result in a change in the equity and voting
interests held in CSX, or a change in the composition of the Board, over a specified
percentage; or |
the liquidation or dissolution of CSX or its principal subsidiary. |
Benefits During the Employment Period Following a Change in Control
During the Employment Period, CSX is required to:
pay the executive an annual base salary that is at least equal to the highest base
salary payable to the executive in the 12-month period immediately preceding the
Employment Period (although certain reductions in salary that are also applicable to
similarly situated peer executives may be permitted); |
provide the executive with an opportunity to earn an annual cash bonus at a
minimum, target and maximum level that is not less favorable than the executives
opportunity to earn such annual cash bonuses prior to the Employment Period (although
certain reductions also applicable to similarly situated peer executives may be
permitted); and |
cause the executive to be eligible to participate in incentive, retirement, welfare
and other benefit plans and to benefit from paid vacation and other policies of CSX
and its affiliates, on a basis not less favorable than the benefits generally
available to the executive before the Employment Period (or the benefits generally
available to peer executives at any time after the beginning of the Employment Period,
whichever is more favorable). |
Benefits Upon Termination Following a Change in Control
Under the change in control employment agreements, CSX will provide severance payments and
other benefits to named executive officers upon their termination of employment during the
Employment Period. The amount of benefits depends on the reason for termination.
Termination Without Cause or Resignation for Good Reason; Constructive Termination.
CSX will pay to the executive the severance benefits described below if, during the
Employment Period, CSX terminates the executives employment other than for cause or
disability, or the executive resigns for good reason or upon a constructive
termination. An executive whose employment is terminated without cause in anticipation
of a change in control is also entitled to the following benefits. Each of these payment
triggers is discussed further below.
Cash Severance Payment a lump sum cash payment equal to the sum of the
following: |
o |
the executives (1) accrued pay and (2) Highest Annual
Bonus (pro-rated based on the number of days worked in the calendar year).
An executives Highest Annual Bonus is the higher of (a) the executives most
recently established target annual bonus or (b) the highest annualized bonus
amount received by the executive in the three full calendar years preceding
the beginning of the Employment Period. |
o |
An amount equal to three times the sum of the executives
annual base salary and the executives Highest Annual Bonus. |
o |
The actuarial present value of the amount that the executive
would have been entitled to receive under the Qualified Plan and the Special
Retirement Plan had the executive continued employment with CSX for an
additional three years after the actual date of termination. |
Medical and Other Welfare Benefits continued medical, life and other
welfare benefit plan coverage for three years after termination of employment at a
level at least as favorable as the benefits provided to the executive during the
Employment Period (or the benefits then generally available to peer executives,
whichever is more favorable). The executive also receives credit for three additional
years of service for purposes of determining eligibility for retiree medical benefits. |
Outplacement outplacement services at a cost to CSX not to exceed
$20,000. |
The following chart quantifies the severance benefits to which each of the named executive
officers would be entitled under his or her change in control employment agreement upon the
hypothetical termination of employment as of December 29, 2006 following a change in control by CSX
other than for cause or disability or by the executive for good reason or upon a
constructive termination.
Potential Payouts Under Change of Control Agreements
Type of Payment |
Michael J. Ward |
Oscar Munoz |
Tony L. Ingram |
Clarence W. Gooden |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons |
Severance 1 |
$ |
8,496,000 |
$ |
4,305,939 |
$ |
3,433,500 |
$ |
3,665,625 |
$ |
2,934,000 |
Pro-rata Bonus Payment 2 |
$ |
1,816,942 |
$ |
828,447 |
$ |
614,408 |
$ |
715,942 |
$ |
523,660 |
Retirement Benefit Increase 3 |
$ |
12,792,762 |
$ |
375,009 |
$ |
2,830,143 |
$ |
5,181,095 |
$ |
1,794,011 |
Welfare Benefit Values 4 |
$ |
64,093 |
$ |
60,476 |
$ |
22,944 |
$ |
49,151 |
$ |
58,573 |
Outplacement 5 |
$ |
20,000 |
$ |
20,000 |
$ |
20,000 |
$ |
20,000 |
$ |
20,000 |
Excise Tax & Gross-Up 6 |
$ |
16,013,685 |
$ |
4,469,374 |
$ |
4,815,910 |
$ |
6,275,340 |
$ |
3,782,266 |
Aggregate Payments |
$ |
39,203,482 |
$ |
10,059,245 |
$ |
11,736,905 |
$ |
15,907,153 |
$ |
9,112,510 |
1 |
Severance Severance payment equal to three (3) times the sum of the executives
annual base salary at the time of the termination plus the Highest Annual Bonus. For this
purpose, Highest Annual Bonus is defined as the greater of the highest annual bonus paid in the
three most recent calendar years or the most recently established target annual bonus. |
2 |
Pro-rata Bonus Payment The Highest Annual Bonus pro-rated for the number of days in
the calendar year prior to a hypothetical termination of employment as of December 29, 2006. |
3 |
Retirement Benefit Increase Increase in actuarial present value of retirement
benefits as of December 29, 2006 due to the accrual of retirement benefits for three additional
years of employment upon a qualifying termination following a change in control. The total
retirement benefits would be equal to: Mr. Ward ($26,323,892), Mr. Munoz ($372,009), Mr. Ingram
($8,395,065), Mr. Gooden ($11,191,775) and Ms. Fitzsimmons ($2,295,801). |
4 |
Welfare Benefits Values Estimated values associated with the continuation of
medical, prescription, dental, disability, employee life, group life, accidental death and travel
accident insurance for three years post-termination following a change in control. |
5 |
Outplacement Executive is provided with outplacement services not to exceed $20,000. |
6 |
Excise Tax and Gross-up Gross-up covering the full cost of excise tax under Code
Sections 280G and 4999. Note that this amount is highly dependent on a variety of factors,
including the characterization of some compensation as earned for service with CSX or the acquirer,
and thus is only theoretical. It represents a calculation based on each executive being terminated
on the assumed change of control date at the end of 2006. |
Termination for Other Reasons. If the executives employment is terminated due to the
executives death or disability, or by the executive other than for good reason or upon a
constructive termination, CSX will make a lump sum cash payment to the executive equal to his or
her (1) accrued pay and (2) Highest Annual Bonus pro-rated based on the number of days worked in
the calendar year. If the executives employment is terminated by CSX for cause, CSX will pay
the executive a lump sum cash payment of any unpaid portion of his or her annual base salary
through the date of termination.
Payment Triggers
In the change in control employment agreements:
Cause generally refers to (1) the willful and continued failure of the executive
to perform his or her duties to CSX or (2) the willful engagement in illegal conduct
or gross misconduct that is materially and demonstrably injurious to CSX. |
Disability generally refers to the executives absence from duties for 180
consecutive business days as a result of total and permanent mental or physical
illness. |
Good reason generally refers to the occurrence of any of the following (except,
in the case of a business combination subject to approval by the Surface
Transportation Board, during the portion of the Employment Period prior to that
agencys final decision): |
o |
the assignment to the executive of duties inconsistent with,
or a diminution of, his or her position, authority, duties or
responsibilities; |
o |
any failure of CSX to comply with its compensation
obligations during the Employment Period; |
o |
CSX requiring the executive to be based more than 35 miles
from his or her location or to travel on business to a materially greater
extent than before; |
o |
any purported termination by CSX of the executives
employment other than as permitted by the change in control employment
agreement; or |
o |
any failure of CSX to require a successor to assume the
agreement. |
Termination for good reason also includes the termination by the executive of his or
her employment for any reason during a 30-day period following the date that is (1) one
year after final approval by the Surface Transportation Board of a business combination
subject to its approval or (2) six months after any other change in control. |
Constructive termination applies in the case of a business combination subject to
the approval of the Surface Transportation Board, and refers to the occurrence of any
of the following during the portion of the Employment Period prior to that agencys
final decision: |
o |
the substantial diminution of the executives duties or
responsibilities; |
o |
a reduction in compensation payable during the Employment
Period (other than a reduction in incentive opportunities, benefits and
perquisites where the executives peer executives suffer a comparable
reduction); |
o |
CSX requiring the executive to be based more than 35 miles
from his or her location or to travel on business to a materially greater
extent than before; or |
o |
any purported termination by CSX of the executives
employment other than for cause. |
Gross-up for excess parachute payments
The change in control employment agreements provide that, if the payments and benefits
provided to the executive in connection with a change in control are subject to the golden
parachute excise tax imposed under Section 4999 of the Code (Section 4999), the executive will be
entitled to a gross-up payment such that, after taking into account all income and excise taxes,
the executive will receive the same after-tax amount that he or she would have received had no
excise tax been imposed under Section 4999.
Each of the change in control employment agreements requires the named executive officer to
keep confidential any proprietary information or data relating to CSX and its affiliates. After
termination of employment, an executive may not disclose confidential information without prior
written permission from CSX.
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan; Retirement Plans
Each named executive officer has elected, under CSXs EDCP, to receive a distribution of their
entire balance upon a change in control, the value of which is provided on page 38 under the
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Table. As discussed on page 34 in the narrative accompanying
the Pension Benefits Table, the Special Retirement Plan also contains certain change in control
Future Severance Benefits Policy
The Board adopted a policy that limits severance benefits payable to senior executives
(defined as those required to file reports subject to Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended) under agreements entered into on or after January 1, 2005. The severance limitation policy
provides that, unless otherwise approved by shareholders, cash benefits payable to a senior
executive will be limited to 2.99 times the sum of (i) the senior executives annual base salary as
in effect immediately prior to the date of the senior executives termination of employment plus
(ii) the highest annualized bonus awarded to the senior executive by CSX in any of the three full
fiscal years of CSX immediately preceding the fiscal year in which the senior executives
termination of employment occurs. Certain types of benefits, such as the value of any accelerated
vesting of any equity-based or long-term cash-based incentive awards, are not subject to the
severance limitation policy.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Companys executive officers and directors
and any persons owning more than 10 percent of a class of the Companys stock, to file certain
reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC. Based solely on its review of the
copies of Forms 3, 4 and 5 received by it, the Company believes that the Companys executive
officers and directors complied with the SECs reporting requirements with respect to transactions
which occurred during fiscal 2006.
Report of the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the Companys audited financial information
with management and has discussed with the Independent Auditors the matters required to be
discussed by Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended. In addition, the Audit Committee
has received the written disclosures and letter from Ernst & Young LLP, the Companys Independent
Registered Public Accounting Firm, as required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1. The
Committee has discussed Ernst &Youngs independence with them. Based on its review and on the
discussions described above, the Audit Committee has recommended to the full Board that the audited
financial statements be included in the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended December 29, 2006.
Audit Committee
Edward J. Kelly, III, Chair
Donna M. Alvarado
Elizabeth E. Bailey
Robert D. Kunisch
William C. Richardson
Jacksonville, Florida
February 13, 2007
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners, Directors and Executive Officers
The following table sets forth, as of March 14, 2007, the beneficial ownership of the
Companys common stock by each of the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table,
by directors and nominees, by each person believed by the Company to beneficially own more than 5
percent of the Companys common stock, and by all current executive officers and directors of the
Company as a group. Shares of common stock subject to options that are exercisable within 60 days
of the Record Date are deemed beneficially owned by the person holding such options and are treated
as outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of ownership of such person, but are not
treated as outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of any other person. The
business address of each of the Companys directors and executive officers is CSX Corporation, 500
Water Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202.
Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership |
Shares for which |
Shares |
Beneficial Ownership |
Total |
Percent |
Beneficially |
can be Acquired |
Beneficial |
of |
Name of Beneficial Owner 1 |
Owned |
within 60 Days2 |
Ownership |
Class3 |
Donna M. Alvarado |
5,410 |
5,410 |
* |
Elizabeth E. Bailey |
53,424 |
20,000 |
73,424 |
* |
Sen. John B. Breaux |
14,638 |
14,638 |
* |
Steven T. Halverson |
5,411 |
5,411 |
* |
Edward J. Kelly, III |
29,912 |
29,912 |
* |
Robert D. Kunisch4 |
74,363 |
20,000 |
94,363 |
* |
Southwood J. Morcott |
69,392 |
20,000 |
89,392 |
* |
David M. Ratcliffe |
28,749 |
28,749 |
* |
William C. Richardson |
46,479 |
20,000 |
66,479 |
* |
Frank S. Royal |
60,478 |
20,000 |
80,478 |
* |
Donald J. Shepard |
37,228 |
37,228 |
* |
Michael J. Ward5 |
495,853 |
836,666 |
1,332,519 |
* |
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons5 |
109,972 |
81,000 |
190,972 |
* |
Clarence W. Gooden5 |
176,200 |
20,000 |
196,200 |
* |
Tony L. Ingram5 |
179,368 |
179,368 |
* |
Oscar Munoz5 |
151,198 |
166,668 |
317,866 |
* |
Executive officers as a group |
1,598,796 |
1,268,586 |
2,867,382 |
* |
(a total of 7 including those named
above and all directors and nominees) |
The TCW Group, Inc. |
23,113,223 |
5.3 |
% |
865 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017 |
1. |
Except as otherwise noted, the persons listed have sole voting
power as to all shares listed, including shares held in trust under
certain deferred compensation plans, and also have investment power
except with respect to certain shares held in trust under deferred
compensation plans, investment of which is governed by the terms of
the trust. Ownership information is as of February 28, 2007. |
2. |
Represents shares under options exercisable within 60 days. |
3. |
Based on 438,072,572 shares outstanding on March 14, 2007, plus
shares deemed outstanding for which beneficial ownership can be
acquired within 60 days by that individual or group. An asterisk
(*) indicates that ownership is less than one percent of class. |
4. |
Mr. Kunischs ownership includes 2,028 shares of stock held in a
limited partnership in which Mr. Kunisch owns an interest. |
5. |
The ownership of Mr. Ward includes 125,716 shares owned by his
wife. The ownership of Mr. Gooden includes 34,000 restricted shares
of stock granted under the Omnibus Plan and 54,758 shares held in a
family members trust over which he has voting and investment
power. The ownership of Mr. Ingram includes 20,000 restricted
shares of stock granted under the Omnibus Plan. The ownership of
Mr. Munoz includes 20,000 restricted shares of stock granted under
the Omnibus Plan. The ownership of Ms. Fitzsimmons includes 54,620
restricted shares of stock granted under the Omnibus Plan. |
Equity Compensation Plan Information
The following table sets forth information about the Companys equity compensation plans as of
December 29, 2006:
Number of securities to be |
Number of securities |
issued upon exercise of |
Weighted-average exercise |
remaining available for |
outstanding options, |
price of outstanding |
future issuance under |
warrants |
options, |
equity |
Plan category |
and rights (000s) |
warrants and rights |
compensation plans(000s)1,2 |
compensation plans
approved by
security holders |
18,691 |
$ |
19.06 |
13,385 |
Equity compensation
plans not approved
by security holders |
729 |
$ |
22.45 |
Total |
19,420 |
13,385 |
1. |
The number of shares remaining available for future issuance under
plans approved by shareholders includes 1,115,020 shares available
for stock option grants, payment of director compensation and stock
grants pursuant to the CSX Stock Plan for Directors; and 12,269,516
shares available for grant in the form of stock options,
performance units, restricted stock, stock appreciation rights and
stock awards pursuant to the Omnibus Plan. |
2. |
The 1990 Stock Award Plan (1990 Plan) is the only CSX equity
compensation plan that has not been approved by shareholders. The
1990 Plan became effective September 12, 1990. Its purpose is to
further the long term stability and financial success of CSX by
rewarding selected meritorious employees with awards of Company
stock. Each stock award and stock option grant under the 1990 Plan
must be approved or ratified by the Board. |
Item 2: Ratification of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
The Audit Committee of the Board appointed the firm of Ernst & Young LLP as Independent
Registered Public Accounting Firm (the Independent Auditors) to audit and report on CSXs
financial statements for the fiscal year 2007. Action by shareholders is not required by law in the
appointment of independent accountants. If shareholders do not ratify this appointment, however,
the appointment will be reconsidered by the Audit Committee.
Ernst & Young LLP has no direct or indirect financial interest in CSX or in any of its
subsidiaries, nor has it had any connection with CSX or any of its subsidiaries in the capacity of
promoter, underwriter, voting trustee, director, officer or employee. Representatives of Ernst &
Young LLP will be present at the meeting of shareholders and will be afforded an opportunity to
make a statement if they desire to do so. It also is expected they will be available to respond to
appropriate questions.
Fees Paid to Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Ernst & Young LLP served as the Independent Auditors for the Company in 2006. Approximate fees
paid to Ernst & Young LLP are as follows:
2006 |
2005* |
Audit Fees: |
$ |
2,492,000 |
$ |
2,768,000 |
Include fees associated with the integrated audit, testing internal
controls over financial reporting (SOX 404), the reviews of the Companys
quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, statutory audits and other attestation
services related to regulatory filings. |
Audit Related Fees: |
$ |
230,000 |
$ |
234,000 |
Principally include audits of employee benefit plans and subsidiary audits. |
Tax Fees: |
$ |
248,000 |
$ |
4,000 |
Include fees for tax compliance, expatriate tax compliance, tax advice and
tax planning. |
All Other Fees: |
$ |
29,000 |
$ |
9,000 |
Include fees for a subscription to an accounting research tool. The Audit
Committee has concluded that the services covered under the caption All
Other Fees are compatible with maintaining Ernst &Youngs independent
status. |
* |
2005 fees were adjusted from prior year disclosure to reflect final billing of
2005 audit services. |
Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures
The Audit Committee is responsible for the approval of all services performed by Ernst & Young
LLP. The Chairman of the Audit Committee has the authority to approve all engagements that will
cost less than $250,000 and, in such cases, will report any approvals to the full committee at the
next scheduled meeting. All engagements expected to cost $250,000 or more require pre-approval of
the full committee. In addition, it is Company policy that tax and other non-audit services should
not equal or exceed base audit fees plus fees for audit-related services.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that the shareholders vote FOR this proposal.
Items 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been proposed by shareholders. For the reasons set forth below, the
Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST each of these Items. Shareholders should be aware
that, even if approved, their proposals are not binding on the Board. Although the Board will
consider the shareholders wishes as expressed at the Meeting, one or more of the proposals might
not be implemented if the Board, in its business judgment and the exercise of its fiduciary duties,
concludes that implementation is not in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.
Item 3: Shareholder Proposal Regarding Executive Compensation
The following shareholder proposal has been submitted to the Company by Mary F. Morse:
I, Mary F. Morse, owner of $2000.00 or more in Company stock, propose that the remuneration to
any of the top five persons named in Management be limited to $500,000.00 per year, plus any
nominal perks. This program is to be applied after any existing programs now in force for options,
bonuses, SARs, etc., have been completed, and severance contracts should be discontinued, as they
are also a part of remuneration programs.
This proposal does not affect any other personnel in the company and their remuneration
The limit of one half million dollars in remuneration is far above that needed to enjoy an
elegant life-style.
Throughout Corporate history, only a few persons whom have created a corporation now remain in
Management. Some descendents have inherited top positions, while most have attained them through
recommendations, ability, or influence, not necessarily providing increased earnings for a company.
These come from the product or services, its public acceptance, advertising and the workforce.
Due to an unfair removal of the word: Against since about Year 1975, and ONLY in the Vote
for Directors column, Management nominees for that position are rarely defeated, as receiving only
as little as one vote guarantees election, and in turn, Directors re-elect management and reward
them. The term was devised and incorporated in 6 or 8 states of high company registrations as a
state and corporate Rule. Right of Dissent is denied, and shareowners may not vote No or
Against and be counted as such. This unfairness has yet to be corrected by the Commission as
The Ford Motor Company reinstated Against several years ago, showing the American Way of
proper corporate proxies presentations. Exxon-Mobil has reverted to a majority vote for election of
Directors, a fine decision for shareowners !
Thank you, and please vote YES for this Proposal. It is for YOUR benefit !
The Board of Directors recommends a vote against this proposal because it believes that
arbitrary limitations on executive compensation are not in the best interests of the Company or its
The Compensation Committee, which is composed entirely of independent directors, is
responsible for setting and administering the Companys compensation philosophy, objectives and
policies and for establishing and administering compensation plans and programs for executive officers
of the Company. The Board and the Compensation Committee strongly support the concept of
performance-based executive compensation arrangements that are designed to create long-term
corporate and shareholder value and are market competitive.
That concept is embodied in the
Companys compensation philosophy and practices as discussed in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis section of the Proxy Statement.
The Board of Directors believes that the proposal set forth above, if implemented, would put
the Company at a competitive disadvantage in attracting, retaining and rewarding qualified
executives. The proposal, if implemented, would limit the Compensation Committees flexibility to
design employment and incentive arrangements that address the specific facts and circumstances of
each executives situation. The Board believes that in order for the Company to attract and retain
qualified executives, it must have the flexibility to tailor compensation packages, including
options, stock appreciation rights and severance arrangements, to meet the needs of the Company and
its executives. Further, the Board believes that it should offer comprehensive compensation
packages that are competitive with those of other companies that compete with the Company for
executive talent. If this proposal was implemented, the Company would not be able to offer
compensation agreements similar to those offered by competitors who would not be burdened by the
limitations imposed by this proposal.
For the foregoing reasons, the Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Item 3.
Item 4: Shareholder Proposal Regarding Majority Vote
The following shareholder proposal has been submitted to the Company by the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters:
RESOLVED: That the shareholders of CSX Corporation (Company) hereby request that the Board of
Directors initiate the appropriate process to amend the Companys governance documents (certificate
of incorporation or bylaws) to provide that director nominees shall be elected by the affirmative
vote of the majority of votes cast at an annual meeting of shareholders, with a plurality vote
standard retained for contested director elections, that is, when the number of director nominees
exceeds the number of Board seats.
SUPPORTING STATEMENT: To provide shareholders a meaningful role in director elections, our
Companys director election vote standard should be changed to a majority vote standard. A majority
vote standard would require that nominees receive a majority of the votes cast to be elected. The
standard is well suited for the majority of director elections in which only Board nominated
candidates are on the ballot.
A majority vote standard in Board elections establishes a challenging vote standard for Board
nominees and improves the performance of individual directors and entire boards. Our Company
presently uses a plurality vote standard in all director elections. Under the plurality vote
standard, nominees for the Board can be elected with as little as a single affirmative vote, even
if most of the votes cast are withheld from the nominees. In 2004, nearly 22 percent of
shareholders withheld their vote from Mr. David Ratcliffe, a significant vote of no confidence, yet
even if 85 percent of shareholders had withheld support, Mr. Ratcliffe would still have been
elected under the current system.
In response to strong shareholder support for a majority vote standard in director elections, an
increasing number of companies, including Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Dell, Motorola, and
Supervalu, have adopted a majority vote standard in company bylaws. Additionally, these companies
adopted bylaws or policies to address post-election issues related to the status of director
nominees that fail to win election. Our Company has not established a majority vote standard in
Company bylaws, opting only to establish a post-election director resignation governance policy.
The Companys director resignation policy simply addresses post-election issues, establishing a
requirement for directors to tender their resignations for Board consideration should they receive
more withhold votes than for votes. These resignation policies
coupled with the continued use of plurality vote standards, are an inadequate response to the call
for adopting a majority vote standard.
The establishment of a meaningful majority vote policy requires the adoption of a majority vote
standard in our Companys governance documents, not the retention of the plurality vote standard. A
majority vote standard combined with the Companys current post-election director resignation
policy would provide the Board a framework to address the status of director nominees who fail to
be elected. The combination of a majority vote
standard with a post-election policy establishes a
meaningful right for shareholders to elect directors, while reserving for the Board an important
post-election role in determining the continued status of unelected directors.
We urge shareholders to vote FOR a majority vote standard.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote against this proposal because it believes that the
existing plurality vote standard together with the recently adopted post-election director
resignation governance policy (Policy) provides a better structure for addressing the concerns
reflected by the proposal. The Board believes that the Policy, which is set forth in our Corporate
Governance Guidelines, is effective in enhancing the shareholder role in the director election
process without placing undue limitations on the Boards judgment in addressing the circumstances
giving rise to a majority of votes withheld.
As summarized in our Corporate Governance Guidelines, our Policy provides:
In an uncontested election, any nominee for Director who receives a greater number of votes
withheld from his or her election than votes for such election (a Majority Withheld Vote)
shall promptly tender his or her resignation following certification of the shareholder vote. The
Governance Committee shall consider the resignation offer and recommend to the Board of Directors
whether to accept it. The Board will act on the Governance Committees recommendation within 90
days following certification of the shareholder vote. Thereafter, the Board will promptly disclose
its decision whether to accept the Directors resignation offer (and the reasons for rejecting the
resignation offer, if applicable) in a press release to be disseminated in the manner that
Corporation press releases typically are distributed. Any director who tenders his or her
resignation pursuant to this provision shall not participate in the Governance Committee
recommendation or Board action regarding whether to accept the resignation offer. However, if each
member of the Governance Committee received a Majority Withheld Vote at the same election, then the
independent Directors who did not receive a Majority Withheld Vote shall appoint a committee
amongst themselves to consider the resignation offers and recommend to the Board whether to accept
them. However, if the only Directors who did not receive a Majority Withheld Vote in the same
election constitute three or fewer Directors, all Directors may participate in the action regarding
whether to accept the resignation offers.
The Board believes that our Policy provides our shareholders greater input than they would
have under a pure plurality standard. However, it also retains for the Board the ability to
exercise its judgment on a case-by-case basis. The Board believes that this is in the best interest
of all shareholders. For example, Virginia law states that each incumbent director serves until a
successor is elected and qualified or until there is a decrease in the number of directors, if any.
Under the proposal, any incumbent director who did not receive a majority of votes cast at an
annual meeting of shareholders could nonetheless continue to serve as a director until his or her
successor is elected by a subsequent vote of shareholders. However, our Policy addresses this
concern by providing that a director nominee who receives a majority of votes withheld from his or
her election will tender his or her resignation. This then allows the Governance Committee and the
Board of Directors to assess fully whether to: (i) appoint a successor, (ii) incur the expenses of
a special meeting of shareholders to elect a replacement, or (iii) permit the director to remain in
office. The last alternative may be appropriate if the Board believes the underlying shareholder
concerns are better addressed in another manner or if required to meet the listing standards of the
NYSE. As a company listed on the NYSE, the Company must comply with listing standards that include
requirements for maintaining independent directors and directors with particular qualifications or
expertise. The failure to elect a particular nominee, depending on the independence and
qualifications of the remaining directors, could impair the Companys ability to comply with those
listing standards.
In addition, the Board realizes that such majority vote standard proposals have been the
subject of considerable current debate among corporate governance experts. There is significant
disagreement and uncertainty concerning the consequences of adopting such a proposal and the exact
form that such a proposal should take, if adopted. In fact, in June 2006, the American Bar
Associations Committee on Corporate Laws made official its decision to retain the default system
of plurality voting in the ABAs Model Business Corporation Act, to which lawmakers in many states
refer in drafting state corporate laws. Given the practical issues raised by implementation of the
majority voting concept, the ABA Committee concluded that it would be unwise to change the
statutory plurality default rule to a majority vote standard. The Board is also cautious
about making a fundamental change to our corporate governance system that already has helped the Company
deliver superior performance to its shareholders in recent years.
The Board of Directors does not believe that electing directors under a different standard
would result in a more effective Board, nor does the proponent assert that our Board has not acted
in the best interest of its shareholders. The Companys shareholders have a history of electing
strong and independent Boards, not only by a plurality, but also by a substantial majority of votes
For the foregoing reasons, the Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Item 4.
Item 5: Shareholder Proposal Regarding Severance Agreements
The following shareholder proposal has been submitted to the Company by the Trust for the
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Pension Benefit Fund:
RESOLVED: that the shareholders of the CSX Corporation (the Company) urge the Board of Directors
to seek shareholder approval of future severance agreements with senior executives that provide
benefits in an amount exceeding 2.99 times the sum of the executives base salary plus bonus.
Severance agreements include any agreements or arrangements that provide for payments or awards
in connection with a senior executives severance from the Company, including employment
agreements; retirement agreements; settlement agreements; change in control agreements; and
agreements renewing, modifying or extending such agreements.
Benefits include lump-sum cash payments (including payments in lieu of medical and other
benefits); the payment of any gross-up tax liability; the estimated present value of periodic
retirement payments; any stock or option awards that are awarded under any severance agreement; any
prior stock or option awards as to which the executives access is accelerated under the severance
agreement; fringe benefits; and consulting fees (including reimbursable expenses) to be paid to the
In our opinion, severance agreements as described in this resolution, commonly known as
golden parachutes, are excessive in light of the high levels of compensation enjoyed by senior
executives at the Company and U.S. corporations in general. According to The Corporate Library, CEO
Michael J. Ward received $22,686,292 in total compensation from our Company last year (2005). The
Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) survey of 16 shareholder proposals to restrict golden
parachutes in 2006 showed they averaged 51.2% of the vote and obtained majority support at six
We believe that requiring shareholder approval of such agreements may have the beneficial effect of
insulating the Board of Directors from manipulation in the event a senior executives employment
must be terminated by the Company. Because it is not always practical to obtain prior shareholder
approval, the
Company would have the option if this proposal were implemented of seeking shareholder approval
after the material terms of the agreement were agreed upon.
For those reasons, we urge shareholders to vote FOR this proposal.
The Board of Directors of the Company already has voluntarily adopted a Policy Regarding
Shareholder Approval of Severance Agreements (the Policy) effective as of January 1, 2005. The
Board believes that the Policy is appropriately tailored to meet the needs of the Company and its
shareholders. In addition, all compensation agreements with senior executives are reviewed and
approved by the Compensation Committee, which is comprised entirely of independent directors.
Under the Policy, the Company will not enter into any future severance agreements with
specified executives if the amount of the severance benefits to be paid to such executive would
be greater than 2.99
times the sum of the executives annual base salary and the highest bonus
awarded the executive in any of the prior three fiscal years, unless such agreement is approved by
a vote of the Companys shareholders. The Policy covers agreements entered into on or after January
1, 2005, and material modifications to those agreements that increase benefits. A copy of the
Policy was filed with the SEC as Exhibit 99.1 to the Companys Current Report on Form 8-K filed on
January 6, 2005 and is available at www.sec.gov.
The Policy, as in effect, excludes from the 2.99 limit certain arrangements that would be
covered by the proposal. The Board believes, however, that the Policy allows the Company to retain
its executives and recruit other qualified executives by providing greater flexibility, within
certain limits, to tailor compensation packages, including severance arrangements, to meet the
needs of the Company, its executives and prospective executives, and be able to offer severance
agreements similar to those offered by competitors for executive talent who would not be burdened
by the limitations imposed by the proposal set forth above. The Board also retains the ability to
respond to changing circumstances by amending, waiving, or cancelling this Policy at any time if it
determines that it would be in the best interests of the Company to do so.
In contrast to the Policy, the proposal calls for a general policy to be implemented without
taking into account the Board of Directors judgment or the specific needs of the Company.
For the foregoing reasons, the Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Item 5.
Item 6: Shareholder Proposal Regarding Special Shareholder Meetings
The following shareholder proposal has been submitted to the Company by Victor Rossi:
RESOLVED, shareholders ask our board of directors to amend our bylaws to give holders of at
least 10% to 25% of the outstanding common stock the power to call a special shareholder meeting.
Shareholders should have the ability to call a special meeting when they think a matter is
sufficiently important to merit expeditious consideration. Shareholder control over timing is
especially important in the context of a major acquisition or restructuring, when events unfold
quickly and issues may become moot by the next annual meeting.
Thus this proposal asks our board to amend our bylaws to establish a process by which holders
of 10% to 25% of our outstanding common shares may demand that a special meeting be called. The
corporate laws of many states provide that holders of only 10% of shares may call a special
meeting, absent a contrary provision in the charter or bylaws. Accordingly, a 10% to 25% threshold
strikes a reasonable balance between enhancing shareholder rights and avoiding excessive
distraction at our company.
Prominent institutional investors and organizations support a shareholder right to call a
special meeting. Fidelity and Vanguard are among the mutual funds supporting a shareholder right to
call a special meeting. The proxy voting guidelines of many public employee pension funds,
including the New York City Employees Retirement System, also favor preserving this right.
Governance ratings services, such as The Corporate Library and Governance Metrics International,
take special meetings rights into account when assigning company ratings. This topic also won 65%
support of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) shareholders at the 2006 JPM annual meeting.
It is important to take a step forward and support this one proposal since our 2006 governance
standards were not impeccable. For instance in 2006 it was reported:
There were too many active CEOs on our board with 4 Over-commitment concern. |
We had no Independent Chairman. |
CEO pay was $23 million in one year. |
Plus there were concerns with our Lead Director, Mr. Richardson, who had: |
1) |
14-years director tenure Independence concern.
2) |
Served on 4 boards Over-commitment concern. |
Our directors still had a $1 million gift program Independence concern. |
Mr. Ratcliffe was rated a problem director due to involvement with Mississippi
Chemical Corporations board, which filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. |
Our directors also served on 5 boards rated D by The Corporate Library: |
1) Ms. Bailey
Altria (MO)
D-rated |
2) Mr. Morcott
Johnson Controls (JCI)
D-rated |
Navistar (NAV)
D-rated |
3) Mr. Richardson
Bank of New York (BK)
D-rated |
4) Mr. Royal
Sun Trust Banks (STI)
D-rated |
Our long-tenured directors with 16 or 17 years each (triggering independence concerns)
included: |
Ms. Bailey
Mr. Morcott
Mr. Kunisch (Also chaired our key Nomination Committee)
The above status shows there is room for improvement and reinforces the reason to take one
step forward now and vote yes to enable shareholders to call for:
Special Shareholder Meetings
Yes on 6
Under our bylaws, a special meeting of shareholders may be called at any time by a majority of
the Board of Directors or the Chairman of the Board. A small minority of shareholders should not be
able to call an unlimited number of special meetings for any reason and impose its agenda on the
majority of shareholders and the Company. The Board believes that this special right should not be
available to a minority of shareholders, particularly since shareholders already have an
opportunity to bring matters before shareholder meetings on an annual basis. Calling special
meetings of shareholders is not a matter to be taken lightly, and should be for extraordinary
events that only occur when either fiduciary obligations or strategic concerns require that the
matters to be addressed cannot wait until the next annual meeting.
Enabling a small minority of shareholders to call special meetings could impose substantial
administrative and financial burdens on the Company, and significantly disrupt the conduct of the
Companys business. For a company with as many shareholders as CSX, a special meeting of
shareholders is a very expensive and time-consuming affair because of the legal costs in preparing
required disclosure documents, printing and mailing costs, and the time commitment required of the
Board and members of senior management to prepare for and conduct the meeting. The current bylaw provision is an
appropriate corporate governance provision for a company of our size because it allows the
directors, according to their fiduciary obligations, to exercise their business judgment to
determine when it is in the best interests of shareholders to convene a special meeting.
For the foregoing reasons, the Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Item 6.
Promptly upon receiving an oral or written request from a shareholder, the Company will
provide to such shareholder the addresses, and numbers of shares held by each of the shareholders
who have made the preceding shareholder proposals. Requests for this information should be directed
to CSX Corporation, Office of the Corporate Secretary, 500 Water Street, C160, Jacksonville,
Florida 32202, (904) 366-4242.
March 30, 2007
By Order of the Board of Directors
Ellen M. Fitzsimmons
Senior Vice President-Law and Public Affairs and Corporate Secretary
TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING: The Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held on Wednesday, May
2, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. (EDT), at The Westin Indianapolis, 50 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis,
Indiana. If you would like to attend the meeting, please mark the Will attend meeting box that
appears on the reverse and mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. If you are voting by
internet or telephone, please follow the prompt to indicate your attendance. You may obtain your
admission ticket at the CSX Annual Meeting registration desk between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on
the morning of the Meeting.
please check the appropriate box on the reverse. Selecting this option means that you will no
longer receive a printed copy of the CSX Corporation Annual Report and Proxy Statement unless you
request one. Next year you will receive a printed proxy card that will direct you to the website
where the Annual Report and Proxy Statement will be posted. By consenting to electronic delivery
you will help CSX reduce printing and postage costs, supporting a company-wide effort to reduce
costs. You may cancel your enrollment in this process at any time by sending written notification
to The Bank of New York, Receive and Deliver Department, P.O. Box 11002, New York, NY 10286-1002.
TO VOTE: Regardless of whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, it is
important that your shares are represented, no matter how many shares you own. Listed on the
reverse are instructions on how to vote for the election of directors and all other proposals. You
may cast your vote via telephone, over the Internet, or by mail.
This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors
for the Annual Meeting on May 2, 2007
The undersigned hereby appoints MICHAEL J. WARD, ELLEN M. FITZSIMMONS, and NATHAN D. GOLDMAN,
and each of them, as proxies, with full power of substitution, to act and vote the shares which the
undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 2, 2007, at
10:00 a.m. (EDT), at The Westin Indianapolis, 50 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana, and at all
adjournments or postponements thereof, and authorizes them to represent and to vote all stock of
the undersigned on the following proposals as directed and, in their discretion, upon such other
matters as may properly come before the meeting, all as more fully described in the Proxy Statement
received by the undersigned shareholder. If no direction is made, the proxy will be voted: (a)
FOR the election of the director nominees and (b) in accordance with the recommendations of the
Board of Directors on the other matters referred to on the reverse side. If the undersigned has a
beneficial interest in shares held in a 401(k) plan sponsored by CSX Corporation, voting
instructions with respect to such plan shares must be provided by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on April
26, 2007. If voting instructions are not received by that time, such plan shares will be voted by
the plan trustee. The undersigned hereby revokes all proxies previously given by the undersigned
to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders or any adjournment or postponement thereof.
By making the Consents to internet access of future proxy materials box on the reverse, I consent
to future access of the Annual Report and Proxy Statement electronically via the internet. I
understand that CSX may no longer distribute printed materials to me for any future shareholder
meeting until such consent is revoked. I understand that I may revoke this consent at any time by
contacting CSXs transfer agent, The Bank of New York, and that costs such as telephone and
internet access charges will be my responsibility.
(To be signed on the other side of this form if voting by mail,
or follow the instructions to vote via the internet or by telephone)
Please take a moment now to vote your shares of CSX Corporation
Common Stock for the upcoming Annual Meeting of Shareholders
1. |
Vote by Telephone Call toll-free from the U.S. or Canada at 1-866-776-5676, on a
touch-tone telephone. If outside the U.S. or Canada, call 1-215-521-1343. Please follow the simple instructions provided. You will be
required to provide the unique control number indicated below. |
2. |
Vote by Internet Please access https://www.proxyvotenow.com/csx, and follow the simple
instructions provided. Please note you must type an s after http. You will be required to provide the unique control number
indicated below. |
You may vote by telephone or internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your telephone or internet vote authorizes the named proxies
to vote your shares in the same manner as if you had executed a proxy card.
3. |
Vote by Mail To vote by mail, please sign, date and return the proxy card in the envelope
provided, or mail to: CSX Corporation, c/o Innisfree M&A Incorporated, FDR Station, P.O. Box 5156, New York, NY
10150-5156. |
01 D. M. Alvarado
07 S. J. Morcott |
02 E. E. Bailey
08 D. M. Ratcliffe |
03 Sen. J. B. Breaux
09 W. C. Richardson |
04 S. T. Halverson
10 F. S. Royal, M.D. |
05 E. J. Kelly, III
11 D. J. Shepard |
06 R. D. Kunisch
12 M. J. Ward |
o |
INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark the FOR WITH
EXCEPTIONS box and write the number of the excepted nominee(s) in the space provided below:
Ratification of Ernst & Young as Independent Public
Accounting Firm for 2007
o |
Shareholder Proposal Regarding Executive Compensation
o |
Shareholder Proposal Regarding Majority Voting
o |
Shareholder Proposal Regarding Severance Agreements
o |
Shareholder Proposal Regarding Special Shareholder Meetings
o |
Address change (make correction below)
o |
Will attend meeting
o |
Consents to internet access of future proxy materials
o |
Signature |
Signature |
Title |
Note: Please sign exactly as the name(s)
appear(s) hereon. When shares are held by joint
owners, both should sign. When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or
guardian, please give full title as such. If a
corporation, please sign full corporate name by
an authorized corporate officer. If a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by
authorized person. |