Renowned inventor Janet DeMaria debuts her new website featuring "Skadoosie! The Movie," a powerful look at her journey and the creation of the Skadoosie baby garment. Coming soon, her web series Mother of Invention continues the story of innovation.
PLACERVILLE, CA, January 10, 2025 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In 2025, Skadoosie is making a splash with the launch of its brand-new website,, and the eagerly awaited premiere of Skadoosie! The Movie. The short film brings the inspiring story of founder Janet DeMaria to life, showcasing her groundbreaking Skadoosie baby garment and the journey that is redefining children's clothing.
But the excitement doesn't stop there. Janet DeMaria is proud to announce that Skadoosie! The Movie is just the beginning. The film serves as the foundation for her upcoming series, Mother of Invention, which will roll out four episodes in 2025. The series dives deeper into the stories of innovation, creativity, and the spirit of invention, expanding on the themes introduced in the movie.
"This moment is a celebration of our journey so far and a launchpad for what's ahead," says Janet DeMaria. "With the new website, Skadoosie! The Movie, and the upcoming Mother of Invention series, we're connecting with families in exciting new ways while continuing to honor the spirit of Skadoosie."
The redesigned website, located exclusively at, delivers a streamlined shopping experience and exclusive behind-the-scenes content, providing the perfect platform to explore the Skadoosie story. Meanwhile, serving as the new site's centerpiece, Skadoosie! The Movie offers a heartwarming look at the determination and ingenuity that turned one woman's vision into a global movement.
Be sure to spread the word! Today marks the official launch of, the premiere of Skadoosie! The Movie, and the countdown to 2025's Mother of Invention web series.
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